THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS " Performing the ROM examination was more likely to provoke increased fatigue and other abnormal symptomatic responses...
" Veterans told: there is no Gulf syndrome By Michael Evans, Defence Editor March 25 2006, 12:00am, The Times GULF WAR veterans suffering from...
" Researchers report in a new study that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori - a major contributor to gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer—resists...
" QOF Fiasco 2: ’Immoral’ refusal to learn from mistakes By Jerome Burne Last week I wrote about the great QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework)...
Opera Mariposa – Towards Tomorrow Benefit Show "Soprano and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sufferer Jacqueline Ko presents Toward Tomorrow, a...
In contrast, this article: Overworking "*DISCLAIMER - Before you begin reading, I'd like to be very clear on something. M.E isn't the sufferers...
Merged thread Why Attributing 'Type A' Personalities to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Needs to Stop "I recently had an experience with a relative...
don't know if this has been posted NICE ME/CFS Clinical Guideline: Summary Report from Scoping Workshop by Dr Charles Shepherd | 30 May 2018...
[MEDIA] AfMEs ME awareness on NHS inform " How long will it last? Most people...
Reply to Carol Monaghans questions: (sorry the tables went a bit squiffy.) eta: am not sure if all of this is 'biomedical' as we understand...
Random question for MS ; has he seen 'Unrest', what did he think of it?
This is not actually a question for C.P; but given his recent involvement in Geneva with IAfME (AfME) is the CMRC now part of/a member/supporter...
"Union for International Control (UICC)" should be 'Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)' "IAFME" or IAforME (@Andy maybe you need to...
OK, another question. QMUL say they can no longer access the data since Peter White left; does MS still have access/ have the relevant skills to...
between 400 and 700........... so at least 10-15 minutes worth,possibly not going right down to the ground each time. Still, a lot... for anybody.
@JaimeS @JenB
Separate names with a comma.