I and others thought it might be useful to have a thread where people can post any training courses they come across that are dodgy or have...
RCPCH Progress curriculum see page 22: Leadership and team working: Promotes an open culture of learning and accountability by challenging and...
There are other implications for this talk; RCPCH see my post here: https://www.s4me.info/index.php?posts/29076/ " Preparing for RCPCH Progress...
[ATTACH] BBC news quote by the paediatrician Dr Esther Crawley from Voices from the Shadows website. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] "The activists have...
Would John Bercow be excluded (as Patron of MEA) ? Hopefully Charles Shepherd has put out some feelers.........?
I emailed David Marks to ask for his help: [MEDIA] eta: he's pinned it
Is anything EC does? Apart from slag us off that is.
Serological profiling of the EBV immune response in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using a peptide microarray Madlen Loebel, Maren Eckey, Franziska...
"Meet the Professor Sessions Meet the Professor Sessions will be held on Wednesday, May 30 and Thursday, May 31 between 07:00 and 07:50. There is...
As it seems a lot of people go on to develop ME following a virus (children in partic seem particularly susceptible after mono,EBV), I thought I'd...
Don't know if this has been posted and am loath to give it its own thread basically advertising the Lightning process. " After a lifetime of...
The programme will feature Cerys who was diagnosed with M.E. and describes how the illness has impacted her life. not listened to it yet:...
Elevated brain natriuretic peptide levels in chronic fatigue syndrome associate with cardiac dysfunction: a case control study Cara Tomas,1Andreas...
Cort Johnsons article: " Urgency: Ron Davis and His (Non-NIH Funded) ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center Urgency Those ten NIH research center...
Could someone tweet the link to Voices from the Shadows.............. http://voicesfromtheshadowsfilm.co.uk/ maybe if they see the reality of...
Old stuff (ie from March 2017 Standing up for Science 'debate') but I thought important to have over here: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
“I don’t want to come down like a ton of bricks on Esther Crawley because I think she’s doing her best,” Really? Although not recent, this...
I thought PEM might cause a few probs on this issue (see my first post); as @Invisible Woman said, I realise it can be complicated. Maybe another...
Separate names with a comma.