As with most things because my ME is Mild-moderate i only get any balance issues when my energy is in the red. I get a sway when I walk and I...
yes good point I had someone in my team at work who was very blinkered in their view of how others should be and I discovered they’d never done...
I did it and failed to keep a copy all I remember is I’m an Adventurer apparently ( I think they’ve jazzed up the types somewhat since I did this...
Yes the F word opens the door wide open for the sort of guff Pariente is passing off as ME research.
Isn’t Colombia one of the NIH funded biomedical research places? Is this event actually under the auspices of the Uni or just some organisation...
Agree it’s not just UK the Dutch research is dire as well isn’t it
No need to wait for CS to comment on this in this case all the Facebook person needs to do is link to existing MEA statements about LP when...
This 2 minute walking getting up from sitting in a minute thing is c r a p. First few minutes I walk like a normal person most of the time. It’s...
Not heard from Russell here recently. I know he had some time off work in July. Hoping he’s ok
Agreed this should at least have been posted with a comment on MEAs own position on LP. It is possible that it wasn’t picked up as it is in one...
Had to sieve thro it to find the mention of LP which is in a quote from one of the yoga group members.
I think the conclusion is that they have shown it is possible to engage with people with severe ME so they shouldn’t be excluded from being...
Yes but I think that’s just an online form for filling in yourself so not objective
Even if not 100% technically accurate if they give people the tracker for 2/years including a reasonable period of time before and after the...
Well done Aussies :thumbup:
Nail on head. I think people were pretty selective in the talks they watched eg I think the Montoya talk got quite a few views.
Sloppy work by their web team
No info from AFME tweet on what C Ponting said in closing the event other than routine thanks. I was expecting something about what...
Separate names with a comma.