I get a weird way of walking when I've been out and my energy has gone I call it little old lady walking hunched over and I use a walking stick....
I know @Sasha I assumed it was going to be top scientists. I hope they wouldn't have put this up unless it was a very strong possibility.
Yes there are over 20 comments on Facebook post mostly with similar experiences.
picked this up on social media. wasn't at all what I was expecting when I opened the link Am I seeing things?...
Nice one @Woolie for flagging the term response shift bias Next time any of the BPS crowd do anything public we should hashtag them with it on...
Hi Nellie good to meet you :D NP
Yes I had it and now nortryptiline over the last 2 years for sleep - worked ok at first but neither is that effective now. I'm not upping the dose...
Now you're just teasing us. Will be glued to screen all weekend waiting to hear
Me three
zero response the recording of the Royal free one on 7 Nov isn't up yet either. It doesn't take long at all to put something online don't...
This is where I have to admit that I have had Perrin sessions- not from him. It attracted me fairly soon after I got diagnosed when I hadn’t even...
I'm stating the obvious but for these people who have no knowledge in my opinion it is worth specifically addressing the claim about needing to be...
He has to follow the process at this point not going to go public with anything it is the civil service way. I hope a lot of discussions are...
https://www.facebook.com/pg/cards4investinME/posts/?ref=page_internal Alison is on Facebook cards4investinME
Cards 4 invest in ME Alison is on Facebook all her profits go to IIME and she has a good range https://online.flippingbook.com/view/545089/5/
During the afternoon 2-5 if I've not done anything much in the morning is my best physical time. Mental energy is better starting about 11am,...
From this side of the Atlantic this seems really positive, especially when I saw Elizabeth Warren's name heading the list
PIP appeals process inefficient use of funds is something the National Audit Office and the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee should be...
When I'd seen the references to blue cardigans I thought it was talking about physios who seem to have a different type of uniform to nursing...
I'm genuinely not sure which to tick. I only got diagnosed 2 years ago although I have had mild me symptoms for several years before that. I had...
Separate names with a comma.