Ed Yong's article now has its own thread here: The Atlantic: Long Covid is everyone's problem, 2021, Ed Yong
I've been thinking today that as the Long Covid problem grows, and sufferers can no longer be tidily swept under the psychogenic mat, it might...
And yet, it seems it isn't ruled out. And there's the promise of rich Long Covid pickings to attract investors.
Sure, the idea of GAS is ok - define what you are trying to achieve beforehand, and the measure of success. So, the expected outcome is that Mr...
or, it ups the stakes for the Cochrane Exercise Review? Hasn't another PACE paper been promised? What could possibly go wrong?
Posts about an article by Miriam Tucker about autoimmunity (based on findings presented at the IACFSME conference) have been moved here: IACFSME...
I found it quite difficult to know how much of the drug each participant was given. Regarding the number of steps recorded by a Fitbit: Of the...
So, objective outcomes were planned, but, sadly, somehow they weren't possible. As @dreampop reminds us, this is a trial of Cortene. There is a...
I wonder if someone from the current PSP on ME/CFS might like to reply to this, to note that a substantial portion of Long Covid is likely to be...
The low numbers achieved on ME/CFS polls often surprises me. In my country there was a poll against the extension of the school year by two weeks...
I missed this. :thumbup: chrisb. :rofl:
A number of posts about PEM have been moved to PEM, timing, symptoms and levels of disability
A post about Forward-ME has been moved here: United Kingdom: News from Forward-ME Group
I meant for people to click on the arrow next to Rvallee's name. But excellent that you have found that content.
Posted on another thread - WHO guidelines for Long Covid (click on the arrow besides rvallee's name in the quote)
This thread and the links have information that I think is really relevant to the forthcoming NICE roundtable about the ME/CFS Guideline. Good...
That's a pretty important find @rvallee- the therapists are exaggerating the benefits of talking therapy, and even with that, the performance data...
Posts about GRADE have been copied or moved to Who Agrees That GRADE is (a) unjustified in theory and (b) wrong in practice?
Some posts have been moved to Structural spinal problems and ME - blogs and social media
I've posted this paper as much for a letter that was written in response to it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1371803/ Chronic...
Separate names with a comma.