They have always as far as I know represented the staff working in the specialist NHS clinics. I'm sure you can join if you work outside the NHS,...
Thanks. I did note the date but missed that discussion. I don't know why the MEA are only posting about it today.
BACME Calls for Cochrane to Withdraw Outdated Exercise Review for ME/CFS...
Quite a loaded name for a conference.
"people with overweight" Is that a new thing? Bizarrely, I first saw this usage only this morning in the title of this article:...
Probably for the best.
Scientific Reports, despite being published by Nature [Publishing Group], is not a quality journal, but this fact isn't really appreciated outside...
Hmm good spot. Papers are extremely similar.
I listened to her audiobook 'It's All In Your Head' last year. Truly awful, and read by someone with the most snooty, patronising tone, which...
It's all very bizzare. LDN seems to have a cult following, much like ivermectin has. I think the LDN Trust puts out questionable literature to...
I developed Raynauds in my late teens or early 20s. I'm not sure I even have it any more as I don't go outside much, especially when it's cold. It... "About 15 years ago, Tim Holt-Wilson noticed a "gradual degeneration" in the warmth of his...
This is unfortunate sentence syntax.
I love a story with a happy ending.
Putting myself in the hair loss phenotype as a balding man.
I didn't. At the time I was part of the CMRC PAG and some of these thoughts made it back to BACME members via feedback we were asked to give on a...
I will share again my blog on this Position Paper: I did try to be nice.
Where does the 90% figure come from?
I think any conference would have more value if different orgs collaborated, but unfortunately they all seem to want to do their own thing.
They are calling it 'International Conference Week' now as there are several events/conferences running consecutively, as is usual for IIMER. More...
Separate names with a comma.