2022 Ethnographic research project called ‘Invisible illnesses’, recruiting UK participants

Discussion in 'Recruitment into current ME/CFS research studies' started by Andy, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Moved from the News from Scandinavia thread

    Copied from a Chronic Illness Inclusion Facebook post,

    "My name is Hannah Lewin I am an MSc student studying Medical Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. This September to December I will be conducting an ethnographic research project called ‘INVISIBLE ILLNESSES.’
    The scope of the study is to dive deep into the ways in which people living with an Energy Limiting Chronic Illness (ELCI) manage their everyday lives according to their energy impairement, how they seek help and the struggles they face in having their “invisible disease” recognised and legitimised by medical, work places and social domains. I am hugely passionate about sharing the realities of what it is like to live with an energy limiting chronic condition, as well as understanding the type of care, both ‘biomedical’ and ‘alternative,’ that is available.
    Through publishing this report I hope to capture the attention of general practitioners, policy makers and the public, so that they adapt/update their practices and perceptions of ELC in a way that is sensitised to the needs of those that live with an chronic energy illness.
    I hope this post gives you a little insight into the project. If you would like to share your story, views or contacts of those potentially interested in being part the study please reach out to me (via email). I wish to understand all narratives and perspectives.
    Hannah Lewin
    Contact details:
    University email address: gml379@alumni.ku.dk"

    Original post
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2022
    Hutan, Sean, Midnattsol and 5 others like this.

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