A novel protocol to induce mental fatigue, 2023, Hassan et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Mental fatigue is a commonplace human experience which is the focus of a growing body of research. Whilst researchers in numerous disciplines have attempted to uncover the origins, nature, and effects of mental fatigue, the literature is marked by many contradictory findings. We identified two major methodological problems for mental fatigue research. First, researchers rarely use objective measures of mental fatigue. Instead, they rely heavily on subjective reports as evidence that mental fatigue has been induced in participants.

    We aimed to develop a task which led to not only a subjective increase in mental fatigue, but a corresponding performance decrement in the mentally fatiguing task as an objective measure. Secondly, current mental fatigue paradigms have low ecological validity – in most prior studies participants have been fatigued with a single repetitive task such as the n-back or Stroop. To move towards a more ecologically valid paradigm, our participants undertook a battery of diverse cognitive tasks designed to challenge different aspects of executive function. The AX-CPT, n-back, mental rotation, and visual search tasks were chosen to challenge response inhibition, working memory, spatial reasoning, and attention.

    We report results from 45 participants aged 19 to 63 years who completed a two-hour battery comprising four different cognitive tasks. Subjective fatigue ratings and task performance were measured at the beginning and end of the battery. Our novel method resulted in an increase in subjective ratings of fatigue (p < 0.001) and a reduction in task performance (p = 0.008). Future research into mental fatigue may benefit from using this task battery.

    Open access, https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-023-02191-5
    NelliePledge, RedFox and Trish like this.
  2. Creekside

    Creekside Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I wonder whether they might get similar results from some computer games, such as an aircraft flight controller simulation. How long do they manage before allowing some planes to crash? Real-time simulators seem quite mentally fatiguing to me.

    Does the fact that "World of Warcraft" doesn't look as impressive in a scientific paper as "AX-CPT and mental rotation" affect what tests were chosen?
    alktipping and RedFox like this.

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