Anyone with sudden and violent stomach cramps ?

Discussion in 'Pain and Inflammation' started by Dechi, May 8, 2019.

  1. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This is getting scary. It happened three times in the past 12 months or so. It doesn’t seem to be related to a specific ingredient, because the same thing that I eat one day without problems (maybe not the same brand, but the same food) will make me very sick without warning another day.

    The first time I ate pizza. Mind you probably too much (a small pizza). The second time I had some type of chicken sauce in a puff pastey shell and the third time, two days ago, I had 2 pieces of white bread, margarine and peanut butter. Only the bread was new, I usually eat gluten free bread or cereal bread but not white.

    I had very bad cramping (almost bad enough to go to the emergency clinic, but since I went for the pizza incident and they found nothing, I wasn’t inclined to go), sweats and shivers, nausea, reflux and burping (I don’t throw up but I wish I could have). The cramps lasted about 20 seconds and came every minute, with sometimes a break for 2-3 minutes. It went on full blast for almost 12 hours straight before starting to decrease. It was truly hell.

    I don’t think it’s related to ME. Or is it. I don’t know anymore but I’m scared to eat now. My stomach still hurts a little bit two days later.

    I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow but have no hope from that. I will get tested for food allergies in june.

    Anyone has the same problem and found the cause and even a solution ?
    Binkie4, andypants, rvallee and 3 others like this.
  2. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    When i was given an SSRI i got this permanently :(
    The answer for me is HCL tablets (health food store) with every meal and Domperidone (a prescription medication) taken 30 minutes before a meal.
    Some people find they can reduce the HCL over time though thats for peoeple with low stomach acid.

    Many tests later a cause was never found.
    Yessica, Binkie4, andypants and 3 others like this.
  3. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Does it happen without an apparent reason like me ? No logic as to what food you ate ? And how often did it happen to you ?
    Binkie4 and alktipping like this.
  4. Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The first thing that pops into my mind is food poisoning. Is there any chance that any of those things you ate might have been harboring bacteria?
    Binkie4, Dechi and alktipping like this.
  5. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    sudden food intolerance will cause those symptoms at least in my experience . had to cut out anything with cheese as an ingredient . and white bread always upsets my stomach my food options seem to decrease every few years . I find I nearly always have stomach pain discomfort after eating often lasting 12 hours .
    Dechi and hellytheelephant like this.
  6. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oregon, USA
    I get stomach cramps randomly. And I mean stomach - much higher up - not intestinal cramps, as far as I can tell.

    My stomach cramps are not as bad as the ones you describe. And they seem quite different in other ways. But I'll share what happens just in case it is helpful.

    The cramping hurts, but it's not unbearable. When it happens it's very sudden. It's like a bunch of short cramps that come and go for a while. Feels like something is being twisted. And I get no other symptoms other than the cramping pain.

    For me, it's not at all like food poisoning or feeling too full or heartburn or anything like that. Sometimes it happens my stomach is completely empty of food (late evening 4-5 hours after a meal) but for some weird reason I get cramping right after drinking water.

    When it happens to me what I do is avoid all food or water for a few hours (maybe a sip or two of water along with painkillers) and eventually it goes away.

    For me (because it does not hurt as much as yours, and only happens maybe every month or so) this is low on my list of symptoms. I have reported it to doctors a few times over the years but it's one of my many weird symptoms with no known cause.

    EDIT: I meant to add that I'm sorry this is happening and I hope you figure out what is causing it! Oh, and do you have POTS? I remember reading that some patients with POTS can have problems with digestion but forgot all the details.
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  7. Dudden

    Dudden Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Could be IBS? I remember acquiring that around the time I acquired the other symptoms. As a matter of fact the IBS symptoms disappeared for years and came back just recently. Still, it may be food poisoning. My proposition for you is to head to a doctor or someone who might examine you. "Better safe than sorry", yes?
  8. ScottTriGuy

    ScottTriGuy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I periodically and without warning get similar symptoms - I've always attributed to some sort of wheat product I had eaten 12 - 18 hours earlier (because I usually avoid wheat products), as the symptoms seem to come when the food gets to my lower colon and then bam, in a matter of seconds I'm hit with those intense symptoms.

    I was without this symptom for perhaps 1.5 years until recently - perhaps by chance, I had stopped daily bone broth (it heals the stomach), but have re-started again last week.

    I wonder if it is something in the wheat (fructans?) of the pizza, breaded chicken, chicken sauce, white bread that you ate?
    alktipping, andypants and Dechi like this.
  9. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Dechi ask the doctor to r/o h. pylori. I had this infection (ME onset) for 5 years and suffered severe gut issues until the virologist decided to test, my GP never thought to test me.
    alktipping, andypants and Dechi like this.
  10. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Moderator note:
    A reminder to members - it is OK to share your personal experiences, but please avoid suggesting diagnoses or giving medical advice.
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  11. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you. I’ve had a gastric biopsie and H. Pilori was negative.
  12. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and sharing your experience.

    I went to the doctor’s this morning and he thought it might be gallbladder stones and he’s having me do an ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis.

    As soon as he said it, I remembered that last year, when I went to the emergency room for the same problem (even worse at the time), they did an ultrasound that showed small kysts to my kidneys and 1 microkyst (10 mm) to my liver hilum. I had asked my doctor about it and she wasn’t concerned.

    Well, I wish she had been, because now it’s probably gotten worse and it should have been taken seriously. This really hurts like hell. Oh, and the pain is on each side of the belly button, a little underneath it. It irradiates on a good 5-7 inches long and maybe 1 inch high. Supposedly most people don’t even have symptoms and when they do, it lasts 4-5 hours. In my case it’s more 12+ hours.

    I made a few phone calls and managed to get a very quick appointment for the ultrasound. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    I asked for a pain killer this morning. I got Tramadol 50mg. I’ve never tried that, I hope it works if ever I need it (let’s hope not).
  13. Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Did your doctor tell you that many people need to take a lot of fluids with Tramadol? It tends to slow down the intestines. When I took it I thought I was drinking a lot of water, but it still felt like food was not even leaving my stomach.
  14. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you ! No, he did not tell me, nor did the pharmacist !
  15. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I did the ultrasound and the radiologist said he saw nothing that could explain the pain. He sas the microkyst too but I was wrong, it has nothing to do with my pain.

    I got another appointment with my doctor to see what he wants to do next. The radiologist said he could order some more tests for the intestines, which do not appear clearly on the ultrasound.

    My stomach is better today. Yesterday it hurt after drinking water, which made me nervous but it didn’t last.
    Trish and Binkie4 like this.
  16. Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Actually, I'm not sure my doctor or pharmacist told me either. I have a sister who had taken it (back problems run in the family) and she warned me. I still didn't manage to drink enough. Good luck!
    Dechi, Trish and Binkie4 like this.

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