Autonomic dysfunction and exercise intolerance in post-COVID-19 - An as yet underestimated organ system?

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by Grigor, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. Grigor

    Grigor Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Schwendinger a 1, V.N. Looser b 1, M. Gerber b 2, A. Schmidt-Trucksäss Dvision of Sports and Exercise Medicine.


    Individuals recovering from COVID-19 often present with persistent symptoms, particularly exercise intolerance and low cardiorespiratory fitness. Put simply, the Wasserman gear system describes the interdependence of heart, lungs, and musculature as determinants of cardiorespiratory fitness.

    Based on this system, recent findings indicate a contribution of peripheral, cardiovascular, and lung diffusion limitations to persistent symptoms of exercise intolerance and low cardiorespiratory fitness. The autonomic nervous system as an organ system involved in the pathophysiology of exercise intolerance and low cardiorespiratory fitness, has received only little attention as of yet.

    Hence, our article discusses contribution of the autonomic nervous system through four potential pathways, namely alterations in (1) cerebral hemodynamics, (2) afferent and efferent signaling, (3) central hypersensitivity, and (4) appraisal and engagement in physical activity.
    These pathways are summarized in a model.

    Consequently, this article encourages a shift in perspective by examining the state of the pulmonary and cardiovascular system, the periphery, and auxiliary, the autonomic nervous system as potential underlying mechanisms for exercise intolerance and low cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with post-COVID-19."
    DokaGirl and shak8 like this.
  2. Grigor

    Grigor Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Kiwipom, DokaGirl, alktipping and 2 others like this.
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Their logic seems, as exercise specialists, to look for why people with Long Covid experience exercise intolerance. They are accustomed to looking to the lungs, heart and muscles for explanations, and diagnosing deconditioning.
    In Long Covid, they find these don't provide adequate explanation, so they are looking for BPS style psychological or psychobiological explanations and decided that HPA axis stress responses and brainfog/psychological responses are the problem. It's not clear whether they have decided whether this is under voluntary control or not.

    I haven't read every word, but I only saw one mention in passing of PEM. They don't seem to have understood that at all.
    Kiwipom, DokaGirl, Sean and 9 others like this.
  4. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Gotta love the "*may also occur in the brain".

  5. Kiwipom

    Kiwipom Established Member

    Psychological effort? For exercise? This is ridiculous and doesn't make any pathophysiological sense. PEM experienced after standing upright or overdoing ADL is not psychological in origin. I can safely say that my psychological capacity frustratingly and consistently always far exceeds my exercise capacity. There is also incorrect use of the term central hypersensitivity. Sorry, I can't bring myself to read the whole paper it sounds so much like more make-uppy pseudoscience.
    Sean, rvallee, Grigor and 3 others like this.

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