Bags for carrying bits & bobs around

Discussion in 'Home adaptations, mobility and personal care' started by Kitty, Feb 17, 2025.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This isn't exactly an adaptation, but wanted to mention that I bought one of these bags a couple of months ago, and don't know how I managed without it!

    I bought it for when I have to go to the shop or supermarket, because it's easier for a wheelchair user than any other kind of bag. It's big enough to accommodate my phone, purse, shopping list and keys, and holds them in the right position for quick, one-handed access.

    But it's also useful in the house if I'm trying to do things. I only really need to carry my phone then, plus the TV remote if I'm listening to the radio or a podcast. It saves me walking back to the sofa to find them when I get a messages or need to turn the volume up/down.

    It looks slightly bulky in the photo, but it packs completely flat and the fabric is very thin. If you had to lie down as urgently as I often need to sit down, it probably wouldn't get in the way.

    This design's probably best for a right-handed user. But there are types where you can attach the strap to either side of the pouch.

    ETA: for anyone who doesn't want to follow the link, it's a bit like a bumbag/fanny pack, but is wider and longer with a very much slimmer profile. You wear it over one shoulder and across your chest.
    bobbler, shak8, lunarainbows and 4 others like this.
  2. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I tried something similar a few years back, probably a little bigger in that mine holds both a 700ml thermos and a small sandwich box, as well as a phone etc.

    I struggled with it TBH, it wouldn't stay put, stay where I wanted it to while walking.

    This may be because I am not a particularly small person and this type of bag tends to assume that everyone is

    So it got relegated and I went back to using backpacks of various capacities.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2025
  3. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, I think mine would slip down too if it had that much weight in it. But with just a phone, a small purse and a couple of keys, it stays put really well.

    In the house, it's only got the phone and sometimes a remote in it, and I forget it's there. It's unobtrusive because it lies completely flat against your chest and doesn't really weigh anything. I think if I wanted to carry a flask and sarnies I'd use a two-strap rucksack, which would stay put much better.

    You can even use this bag and a rucksack at the same time. I carry my music stuff in a small backpack, which I hitch onto my back even for the 20 metre walk between the car and the venue—I'm unsteady on my feet and need to have both hands free.
    Wonko and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  4. PrairieLights

    PrairieLights Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used to use one of these at work (not waitressing) and they are really useful. Not good for going out or a wheelchair but may be useful to some around the house.

    Waitress aprons

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