BiteSized Immunology: developing online resource outlines major learning points (Spanish version too, maybe still needs help if under construction)

Discussion in 'Immune: Autoimmune and Mast Cell Disorders' started by bicentennial, Jan 11, 2025 at 1:05 PM.

  1. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    From the British and Spanish Societies for Immunology

    BiteSized Immunology

    BiteSized Immunology is a developing online resource designed to form a comprehensive guide to the immune system, yet approaching the topic via punchy, easy-to-digest, entries that outline major learning points.

    You can search by keyword, and access / download the content in a variety of formats – as well as via graphical interface, or flexible menu system.

    The content is especially suitable for biomedical undergraduates, but should appeal to advanced school students and others coming to the field of immunology for the first time.

    The Spanish language version has been coordinated by Jesús Gil-Pulido, community manager of the Spanish Society for Immunology, and has been made possible thanks to members of the Spanish Society for Immunology (


    Organs & Tissues

    Immune Development

    Systems & Processes

    Special Topics

    Vaccines & Therapeutics

    Receptors & Molecules

    Pathogens & Disease

    Experimental Technique

    Immune Dysfunction
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2025 at 2:51 PM
    Kitty likes this.
  2. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    The piece on autoimmunity is very poor - written by someone who has no real grasp of the evidence base. I fear other sections may be similar, although more technical stuff on normal events may be better.
    alktipping, hibiscuswahine and Kitty like this.
  3. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thankyou. It helps to know. It needs to be good. Poor is no good for amateurs and students. It purports to be "especially suitable for biomedical undergraduates, but should appeal to advanced school students and others coming to the field of immunology for the first time". If its mostly all as unsuitable as the autoimmunity module (under Immune Dysfunction) - then best not have it here as a resource

    One poor module means overall oversight on this resource was not altogether reliable. It seems to be a collective effort, so some modules might be better supervised. Maybe it is best to review it as a resource in some other forum, to make sure what is suitable, before using only those modules as a resource and as an important resort, here.

    Or maybe its just substandard not worth the exertion to obtain for a resource. I had posted it first by mistake in the "Causes, epidemiology, etc (Members Only)" Forum. Thats not the place to review a resource before offering it as a resource & resort, either. Maybe there is a normal (i.e excellent) comprehensive teaching resource, elsewhere, just around this bend, to be had for the taking

    Scanning the autoimmunity module I wouldn't call that bite-sized. As an amateur I was attracted most of all to the "bite-sized" promise
    alktipping likes this.
  4. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I would advise against thinking of uploading anything here as a 'resource'. The great majority of review and educational material is poor quality. The idea of the forum is to take nothing as fact - to subject everything to scrutiny.

    The problem is not supervision. It is much deeper than that. It is that the majority of people working in the field, including the most senior, do not have a grasp of basic facts and concepts. The problem is everywhere in science, largely I think because science has become so fragmented and specialised that people do not understand context.

    Everything has to be treated as garbage until proved otherwise.
    alktipping, hibiscuswahine and Hutan like this.
  5. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    And to some extent this is part of the problem. Little bits of explanation without background information across several disciplines readers will almost certainly get the wrong end of the stick. Unless, that is, the text deliberately guides people past that end and back to the right end.
    alktipping, hibiscuswahine and Trish like this.

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