Blog: "Publication Laundering"

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by CRG, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. CRG

    CRG Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    ‘Publication Laundering’
    ‘Proceedings’ journals are how publishers maintain plausible deniability to let fake science thrive

    Depending on who you listen to, 2.5 million to 5 million published academic documents are produced a year.

    A lot of them aren’t much good. Maybe most of them.

    Or, maybe it would be fair to say: they are not designed to add to the global pool of knowledge. They exist simply because academic jobs measure success via the simple metric of ‘produce words in order and put your name on them’. If that is your remit, why make the words any harder than they have to be.

    As a consequence, a bad scientific paper only needs to be minimally cogent. That is, it can’t quite be a shopping list (‘eggs, milk, flour, copy of O Magazine where Oprah will tell you how to gain the strength of twenty longshoreman through rectal cleansing’), but it certainly can be a SciGen paper ......

    more at link

    Related twitter thread:
    Mithriel, Michelle, EzzieD and 5 others like this.

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