BPSWatch website: "Querying what goes on at the British Psychological Society"

Discussion in 'News from organisations' started by Sly Saint, Sep 21, 2024.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I just came across this website. Not to be confused with 'cbtwatch'.

    It describes itself as
    "Querying what goes on at the British Psychological Society"

    set up in 2021 see this post
    IAPT – BPSWatch

    (I have looked into this; maybe someone knows what has happened in the interim?)
    @Joan Crawford
    (Might be of interest with regards to Cochrane now(?))
  2. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This is fascinating well worth scrolling down to this and reading in full

    highlights well how seemingly a boring topic governance seems to be a major issue behind lots of what’s happened to us or has influenced our situation

    the term capture ends up being used too

    as a novice in understanding governance but increasingly interested by it I like that it underlines that good vs bad governance is the difference between a society that actually represents the considered range of views of professionals in an area that affects legal cases as well as medical, political and so on potential agendas being able to be independently commented on re harm or who is lying or misled or what is accurate vis a vis where debates are and what evidence is actually applicable

    vs bad governance leading to potential fir things to be plated by people sneaking in on jobs others don’t want to do in order to get power when their pet area comes up for ‘policy’. The tactics or habits or issues seem pretty familiar to things we’ve seen of things just being closed down or never completed and sophist responses to complaints etc

    So I’m interested whatever the organisation to see quite intricate discussions of how different governance translates into on-the-ground phenomena/actions we might be used to seeing - because I guess everywhere is vulnerable to it to some extent but we’ve seen ourselves being the butt of such gaps more than most.

    and because this sort of thing has been a topic in me-specific organisations recently too. So knowing more perhaps ruases the question of what the right governance looks like for areas that are dealing with our issues - being aware of the balance of time/energy and access if people have ME vs things being vulnerable to ‘interests’ because of those very things (keep ignoring us and there’s nothing we can do as the less ill who have an agenda can just wear us out).
    Kitty, Sean, Lou B Lou and 1 other person like this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The list of blog posts makes it look like an extended row that revolves around identity politics and gender issues. They seem to be arguing from deeply entrenched positions.

    The blogs are too long for me to read, it would need more work than my eyes can manage to figure out what's actually going on. That means I'm probably being unfair to the authors in reducing it to a single topic.
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.

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