Chemists find fungal shrapnel in air

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Guest 2176, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

  2. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    The research paper this is based on:

    Atmospheric fungal nanoparticle bursts by Michael J. Lawler et al

  3. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

    Imo this is more evidence that mold "in the wild" and probably many microbes in the wild act differently than in the lab. Particle size matters in biology. Macrophages can't necessarily clear nanoparticles, whether natural or man-made
    Patient4Life likes this.
  4. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

    Thanks for posting rhe study, I was kind of brain fogged and didn't add this
    Patient4Life and Trish like this.
  5. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

    I may contact him and urge him to get in touch w omf

    Attached Files:

    Patient4Life likes this.
  6. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Do you have a particular reason why OMF would be interested?
  7. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

    They have said they want someone to look into mold/enviromental toxins and they need money but to also find the right person since thats not anyone's area of expertise at omf. Someone like this would be better in my opinion than a standard microbiologist bc the enviromental effects discussed in this paper will be more relevant to real world effects of mold than rat studies with normal sized spores in a lab. It seems like they are using innovative technology too.
    Trish likes this.

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