Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Viruses and Related Conditions in Women: The Liver Link Nuria Lorite-Ayán * Version 1 : Received: 22 January 2024 / Approved: 23 January 2024 / Online: 23 January 2024 (09:55:14 CET) How to cite: Lorite-Ayán, N. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Viruses and Related Conditions in Women: The Liver Link. Preprints 2024, 2024011654. Abstract Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can be triggered by different factors and create a complex health situation. In the last decades incidence has been increasing. This situation is a clear example of how humans, viruses, and the environment are all connected. In the 90s cases related to CFS, com-plaints about a feeling of chronic fatigue, inability for everyday tasks, dull pain, cephalalgia, de-pression, anxiety, poor concentration. Clinical tests for EBV, HHV, CMV, IgG, IgM, T4 and T8 subsets were tested, along with hormones and hemogram tests. Most of the cases were women. The timeline of the medical history showed also myomas, breast lumps, premenstrual syndrome previously to CFS development. The nature of these conditions promoted the idea of a possible common link among them and CFS. Some cases also suffered from allergies, food intolerances, candidiasis, intestinal impairment, thyroid implications, endometriosis. As an initial working hypothesis, The Liver Link (TLL) was proposed in order to understand those different conditions affecting body, mind and emotional wellbeing. Considering liver implication can make a differ-ence in treatment and recovery. Low grade inflammatory conditions are related to Th2 predom-inance and liver functions. Functional disharmonies are very important because they usually still do not appear in any conventional tests. In 2002, TLL was presented as a framework to explain the concomitance of CFS and other conditions and the relationship with some viruses such as EBV, HHV, CMV, as a lecture in a congress at the University of Westminster (London). When SARS-CoV-2 outbroke, TLL helped to warn about the post-covid syndrome more likely to occur in specific individuals. Keywords Chronic fatigue syndrome; Epstein Barr virus; Liver; Th1 - Th2; Women’s Health Subject Medicine and Pharmacology, Other
The author seems to be a pharmacist who works in integrative medicine using herbs, nutrients and lifestyle advice. The article is long and rambling and I have only skimmed bits of it. I can't see it getting published in a mainstream journal, maybe an alt med one.
TLL could be yet another trigger for MECFS. There was a paper how the liver inflammation leads to BBB breach and monocyte infiltration through some kind of interaction with glial cells, resulting in neuroinflammation. Only if I can locate it..
Fatigue in chronic liver disease: New insights and therapeutic approaches - Swain - 2019 - Liver International - Wiley Online Library Liver inflammation leads to the production of inflammatory cytokines, including TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6. These cytokines can (a) activate afferent nerve endings (eg vagal afferents) to induce neural signals that are carried through the spinal cord to the brain, where these signals are relayed within the brain and can alter neurotransmission either directly or indirectly (via microglia activation). Alternatively, cytokines produced within the liver can be released into the circulation; (b) where they are carried to the brain within the blood circulation. Upon arrival to the brain these circulating cytokines can either enter the brain through areas devoid of an intact blood-brain-barrier (BBB; eg area postrema) or stimulate cerebral endothelial cells which then release secondary signaling messengers (eg nitric oxide) into the brain, which in turn can activate microglia.
Are you sure that is what it says? The abstract says: Which is something quite different. Or just a pharmacist who works in integrative medicine rambling?
Somewhere in there, it talks about microglial cells producing CCL2 which causes monocytes to infiltrate the BBB. Would that count as the breach? We should let the papers stand on its own merit rather than resorting to ad hominem.
No it would be the normal rules for the BBB. BBB normally refers to limited permeability to protein solutes. Cells are called out if chemotactic signals are generated. Indeed, I was considering its 'own merit' and being rather generous I thought!