Common and discrete mechanisms underlying chronic pain and itch: peripheral and central sensitization, 2021, Li et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Normally, an obvious antagonism exists between pain and itch. In normal conditions, painful stimuli suppress itch sensation, whereas pain killers often generate itch. Although pain and itch are mediated by separate pathways under normal conditions, most chemicals are not highly specific to one sensation in chronic pathologic conditions. Notably, in patients with neuropathic pain, histamine primarily induces pain rather than itch, while in patients with atopic dermatitis, bradykinin triggers itch rather than pain. Accordingly, repetitive scratching even enhances itch sensation in chronic itch conditions. Physicians often prescribe pain relievers to patients with chronic itch, suggesting common mechanisms underlying chronic pain and itch, especially peripheral and central sensitization. Rather than separating itch and pain, studies should investigate chronic itch and pain including neuropathic and inflammatory conditions. Here, we reviewed chronic sensitization leading to chronic pain and itch at both peripheral and central levels. Studies investigating the connection between pain and itch facilitate the development of new therapeutics against both chronic dysesthesias based on the underlying pathophysiology.

  2. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This is probably irrelevant, but … … … I can appreciate that a chronic itch can become profoundly distressing, even overwhelming. However, it is very different to even pain with no identifiable/identified external cause, such as trauma or infection. The later can become so severe as to trigger fainting or vomiting, though I suspect the former does not.

    It is unfortunate the article is currently behind a paywall.
    Michelle and alktipping like this.

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