Concerns about composite reference standards in diagnostic research, Dendukuri et al, 2018

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by cassava7, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. cassava7

    cassava7 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Composite reference standards are used to evaluate the accuracy of a new test in the absence of a perfect reference test. A composite reference standard defines a fixed, transparent rule to classify subjects into disease positive and disease negative groups based on existing imperfect tests. The accuracy of the composite reference standard itself has received limited attention.

    We show that increasing the number of tests used to define a composite reference standard can worsen its accuracy, leading to underestimation or overestimation of the new test’s accuracy. Further, estimates based on composite reference standards vary with disease prevalence, indicating that they may not be comparable across studies. These problems can be attributed to the fact that composite reference standards make a simplistic classification and then ignore the uncertainty in this classification.

    Latent class models that adjust for the accuracy of the different imperfect tests and the dependence between them should be pursued to make better use of data.

    Summary points
    • Composite reference standards define a fixed, transparent rule to classify subjects into disease positive and disease negative groups based on existing imperfect tests

    • They are widely regarded as appropriate for determining sensitivity and specificity of a new test in the absence of a perfect reference test

    • Though a composite reference standard is attractive for its simple and transparent construction, it can result in biased estimates as it makes suboptimal use of data

    • Bias due to a composite reference standard can worsen as more information is gathered and the new test’s accuracy can be overestimated if the errors made by the composite reference standard and the new test are correlated

    • Composite reference standards cannot aid standardisation across settings when disease prevalence varies

    • Appropriately constructed latent class models should be used to make complete use of the information gathered from multiple imperfect tests
  2. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    They give an example of a composite reference standard:
    So, I think we could classify the current ME/CFS diagnostic criteria each as a composite reference standard - PEM is present; AND activity levels substantially reduced for more than 6 months; AND fatigue is present etc. The multiple requirements make for a better diagnostic criteria than if there was just one test e.g. the presence of persisting fatigue. We have seen the debates about whether adding in more requirements e.g. for having sore throats or orthostatic intolerance makes the standard better or worse - for example, whether the simple IOM criteria or more complex criteria such as the CCC are better.

    I'm not sure that I completely understand what is being proposed here. But, given the uncertainties in ME/CFS diagnosis, I like the idea of researchers working with the signs and symptoms of individuals (with and without an ME/CFS diagnosis), using unsupervised grouping techniques to see how much a proposed biomarker adds to, or confirms, the clear separation of groups.

    @cassava7, what are your thoughts about the paper in the context of ME/CFS?

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