Title : Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real Subtitle : Which means science is broken Link : https://getpocket.com/explore/item/daryl-bem-proved-esp-is-real This was an interesting and easy-to-read article, that started off as a discussion of how to do research into extrasensory perception, then morphed into a discussion of research methodology in psychology and the replication crisis.
So, will psychologists turn to psychologists to deal with their emotions on reading that their field is full of crap?
Interesting idea. Do psychologists ever need the professional services of other psychologists? Can you imagine some of our old favourites in the field talking about their emotional regulation and beliefs, their anxiety and/or depression with their colleagues? I can't. They already think they can never be wrong.
Well, famous psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter did have his own psychiatrist even before his incarceration, so...