Difficulty getting my ffp2 mask to fit snugly?

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Sarah94, Aug 12, 2022.

  1. Sarah94

    Sarah94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Have recently become aware of the importance of having a good “seal” with the mask to prevent virus particles getting in around the edges. But I can’t seem to get a good seal? Please have a look at my short Twitter thread explaining the problem

    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  2. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Tricky one.

    Only an idea to try, but I have a small nose/face and have found with mine I put them 'high' and pinch the wire to sit it right on the top of the bridge of my nose - on some masks that has meant having around 1cm 'pinched together' so it sits like a line above my nose (if that makes sense) with the rest of the wire around it. Given I got into doing this a while ago and it was just trial and error I can't explain the logic around it but it seemed to help with some of the masks. But I think as well as it being getting it to stay on my nose it was the one place that gives it more 'bend' so putting the nose bit 'closer' by doing that created more pull across the cheeks with the earstraps on

    I've found the FFP2s are much bigger and cover much more of my face than surgical ones do (but am glad they aren't 'straight' at the top like those because where I need it to sit on my nose with those it would often catch my bottom eyelashes). Mine came with the bits of plastic you can put in-between the ear straps too - I haven't used them as the first time all I did was tire my arms out trying to not get it tangled in my hair and eventually realised it was just a bigger fit and sat in a different face-place.
  3. BrightCandle

    BrightCandle Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I went through a few different masks before I found something I could make easy to fit. I needed a stronger metal strip in the in nose area and some foam under it to make it really seal well so I ended up using FFP3 masks. The difference between 2 and 3 is pretty marginal in terms of protection but they are quite a different design and that can help them fit better. If you don't get on with a mask design you may want a different one.

    The other thing you can do is get plastic strips for the mask that allow you to change how it pulls on your head and how hard and these can really help especially with the over ear variety of masks to get more tension on the elastic.
  4. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I know you said you tried a few, but that mask looks waaaay too big for you Sarah. much too baggy

    see my post here Members only - Covid 19 Related Issues - Support and Chat Room | Page 6 | Science for ME (s4me.info)scroll down to post number 111 for mask suggestion for small faces. If you'd care to pm me yr address i'd be happy to send you one i have a couple left. (i got new carer now so nobody using them)

    posts above that one on that page may ne helpful too sorry i cant remember, sorry not enough energy to read through & check now.
  5. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Hope you get a way round this @Sarah94 I can’t advise tho it appears to be one of the few advantages of having a fat face.
  6. LarsSG

    LarsSG Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That one does look way too big for you! I've read that some people with smaller faces find the 3M VFlex works well for them, since it is a different design.

    Personally, I've switched to an elastomeric P100 respirator (the rubbery kind with two filters and no exhalation valve) and find the seal is far better than I could ever get with a disposable mask. I use the GVS SPR644, but the SPR643 is the small size. Not sure if those are available in the UK, but there are a few options (Flo Mask, 3M, Dentec, etc).
    RedFox, alktipping, Sarah94 and 3 others like this.
  7. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Sarah94 Sorry I didn't realise there were pics on the twitter thread. I have to agree that these look bigger even than the ones I have - which I got from LLoyds pharmacy (although I'm cautious that this was a while back so they might've changed what they sell) the order confirmation says 'Purify Labs FFP2 face masks' on it if that helps. They are still whoppers compared to the surgical masks and I live with mine sitting under my chin covering what feels like a lot of my face but it seems to sit against it and checked when I breath in it is coming through mask and not from under there or any other gaps.

    Whilst I'm not particularly fussed at the feeling of wearing masks they are pretty thick, and stuffy enough I know they contribute to me getting less air/being stuffy which I guess is good sign but wary not ideal for too long a wear.

    It's a horrible problem that you can't know what the shape/size is before you buy and they aren't cheap for something you can't refund so stressful trying to know where to buy
  8. Sarah94

    Sarah94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks all, you are right it is too big. A smaller one still has a little bit of gap on each side of my nose, but a lot less. The straps on the smaller one are really uncomfortable though so I’m going to try to find one with more comfortable straps.
    It's M.E. Linda, Trish and bobbler like this.

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