Dr. Tompkins says that we have only come 10% of the way to understanding ME. This is very discouraging. How many years, how many generations will it take? How much suffering and how many early deaths will we have to go through? I truly believed that things had moved more than 10 percent. Maybe the LC researchers will step on the gas more.
Well, it's true. Still no treatment at all and no phase 3 trials ongoing or even planned in future years. Better than the people who have been saying since 2016 that a cure is months away...
it is nice to see such optimism . lol . the world of medicine has never been about cures .It is about profiting from the sick .hmmm perhaps i am to sceptic
Even at my most pessimistic I at least can recognize that progress is far from linear... I just couldn't resist the opportunity for a joke
Moved post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1rpjIf-GuM "Long Covid vs ME/CFS | Why There's Much We Can Learn From The Similarities” A video uploaded from Gez Medinger, (pre-Covid, film producer and director. Now, an investigative science journalist travelling down the rabbit hole of Long Covid). He has a following of 37k+ subscribers. He talks with Dr. Ron Tompkins from the OMF about microclotting, autoimmunity, dysautonomia, risk factors & why LC research could solve ME/CFS too.