Dr Susan Levine Video Interview by ME/CFS Alert, September 2018

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by Trish, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

  2. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I have just watched the interview.

    Dr Levine has been treating patients with ME/CFS in New York for may years.

    She describes ME/CFS as a heterogeneous disorder with some common features, and likely to have different biomarkers for each subgroup. She thinks the subgroups all have common features such as PEM but that the subgroups might be at least partly distinguishable by the co-morbities some patients have such as fibromyalgia, POTS and mast cell symptoms (eg hives).

    She described briefly some of the treatments she uses including antivirals that are used for herpes infections in cases where the onset was sudden, infectious and recent (last 3 years). And she uses saline infusions for orthostatic intolerance/ low blood volume, magnesium infusions for fibromyalgia pain, and some of the older style antihistamines for those with mast cell symptoms.

    She described her recent involvement in research collaborative and in a clinician collaborative set up by Dr Bateman.

    The video is 26 minutes. It was very interesting though I found the last 6 minutes or so less interesting as the interviewer talked too much!
    Woolie, JaimeS, ahimsa and 18 others like this.
  3. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks Trish for posting this interview, and your summary. These video interviews give us a more animated look, for lack of a better term at the researchers and clinicians, their backgrounds/stories, hopes, goals, interests. These interviews can also give us a sense of the big pond these researchers and clinicians are swimming in.

    I found Mr. King's interview with David Systrom about POTS and the drug Mestinon for ME very interesting, and hopeful. Is it online here?

    Thanks again Trish!
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member


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