Electrolytes as predictors of fibro fatigue scores in Long-COVID patients, 2024, Wasim Talib Mahdi Al Masoodi et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by Mij, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The complex effects of Long-COVID, a syndrome marked by enduring symptoms after COVID-19 infection, with an emphasis on patients’ differing degrees of fibro fatigue (FF). Electrolyte disturbances may affect the severity of FF and may be used as a predictive tool for severe FF in Long-COVID patients.

    The aim is to use the electrolyte levels for prediction of the Long-COVID patients with high FF levels.

    The electrolyte levels, calcium, and magnesium, as well as albumin and C-reactive protein levels were measured in 120 Long-COVID patients and 60 controls. FF scale was used for scoring the fatigue severity in all subjects. Patients were divided into high-FF (FF score>25) and moderate-FF group (FF score<25).

    FF is the major effector on the serum biomarker levels. High-FF group had older people, longer disease durations, lower SpO2, higher CRP, and higher peak temperatures than the control group. High-FF group has a significant decrease in serum total and ionized calcium compared with the controls and low-FF group. After controlling the cofounders, the major factor controlling the levels of the measured biomarkers is the FF value (Partial η2 = 0.468). The ROC-AUC analysis showed that the peak body temperature, Low-SpO2, high-CRP, and low electrolytes can predict the high-FF in a patient with Long-COVID with a moderate sensitivity and specificities (61.6–70%).

    Long-COVID patients have an elevation in FF score. The decline in electrolytes can predict the severity of FF with moderate sensitivities and specificities.

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