Function Report - Adult - Third Party

Discussion in 'Work, Finances and Disability Insurance' started by Tom Kindlon, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Tom Kindlon

    Tom Kindlon Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It can be useful to get people who are not doctors to write reports about how an illness or disability has affected somebody when applying for disability payments in lots of countries.

    This document is from the US but the questions could give ideas about areas people in other countries could write about when writing such a report.
    I saw @Denise describe it as follows:
    SSA 3rd party report form as part of the SSDI application. This form is for colleagues, friends, family, people who know the individual well enough to describe the impact of their symptoms on their level of function. If possible, documentation of what the person was able to do before they got sick is helpful to contrast with current level of function and the impact of cognitive and or physical exertion currently. This is NOT the form filled out by healthcare professionals for SSDI determinations.

    ahimsa, RedFox, Hutan and 4 others like this.

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