Functional Neurological Disorders and COVID-19 Vaccine: a Call for Action, 2022, Fung and Fasano

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by rvallee, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Functional Neurological Disorders and COVID-19 Vaccine: a Call for Action
    Fung and Fasano

    Currently online ahead of print, no abstract available


    Copied post

    It's high time that we recognize that although the Wessely BPS school of thought has been especially successful at forcing their way onto practice, this problem is widespread throughout all medicine. Delusional beliefs are the norm on the issue of conversion disorder because belief in conversion disorder is itself a delusion, a mental illness invented by physicians to account for their failures.

    The main reason why the Wessely school of thought has been successful is because they are selling something that is badly wanted. Others are selling it too, the problem is demand, not supply. If there were no demand for this no one would bother, but the demand is there and nearly infinite.

    I especially love that their diagram, with a threshold, is not graduated. At some point it tips. At what point? Whatevs. You decide, based on how you feel. By comparison a graph without an x-axis is almost honest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2022
    bobbler, oldtimer, Sean and 4 others like this.
  2. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What a laugh! Yep looks like the mental map that is a no-win trick for 'wrong-face' people who walk into the door of certain physicians, sort of useful to have it diagrammed out

    As you say no numbers on the time axis, so over your entire life:

    predisposing factors include: education, political views - If you can't get em on the claim of childhood trauma or 'personality', then make sure your next version specifies if they are educated and up with politics you can claim there is reason to suspect. Basically anyone in the world will fit at least one of those given that they've ensured the 'what' of education (uneducated, too educated, picked arts or science?) and politics (hates it, loves it, doesn't know enough, supports a party you don't like, is 'political' in the sense of saying that their illness should be treated or their treatment is poor?)

    Nice trick adding 'specific factors' as basically 'have they been through a pandemic' or received 'misinformation' (I'm guessing if its the same people or people with the same std of ideology that will be vice-versa), just in case you can't nail enough of the above down

    trigger: includes 'nocebo effect' as well as other medical things - isn't that covering your bases too so when someone gets no treatment they must have nocebo? Otherwise it could be a medical intervention of any sort. If somehow they manage to avoid both of those then 'psychic trauma' is hard to disprove? Is that different to psychological because it's when a tarot reader hurts your soul with a bad deal of the cards?

    Perpetuators: oh same again - both getting investigations/treatment OR 'lack of diagnosis'. But if neither, the old 'attention towards the body', an easy trick where if someone answers a medic's questions about whether x hurts or they've been having any symptoms, or notice they have two hands and two legs still?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022

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