Functional neurological disorders: effective teaching for health professionals (2020) Alexander Lehn et al. + online discussion with Sharpe.

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Esther12, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    The related talk "Setting up an FND Teaching Curriculum" was held on zoom and is kept available here:

    You can listen at x1.5 speed.

    The first part was only really interesting to see what weak work is being cited/praised and what it's claimed medical staff find most valuable: anecdotes. That seems to be a reoccurring theme, a lot of talk on the importance of starting with 'patient stories', case studies, etc. So often this seems like an excuse for researchers to promote a prejudice driven fiction.

    Sharpe pops up from 36:30. More stuff I found uninteresting, while saying how revolutionary and exciting what they were doing was.

    Around 49:00 there was a question that seemed to make some strong assertions on the harm of not taking their approach, considering how much is unknown.

    1hr01:35 - Sharpe saying how important it is to empower patients to drive the agenda and make doctors change. I guess he means only the patients he likes?
  2. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    effective teaching of lazy medical professionals to reduce their workloads by dumping patients into this particular wastebin thus guaranteeing lucrative work for parasitic cretins .
    Invisible Woman, Mithriel and obeat like this.
  3. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That's all it's ever been about. And like everything BPS/FND/MUS it's all fiction, it actually costs many times more in the end by the same effective process used by corrupt people everywhere: externalities, simply offloading the costs elsewhere, unseen. Like pollution or poison sent down a stream, the harm is far away and hidden from view. Only a few make bank while the whole of society pays far more in the end.

    In the end the banality of evil almost always comes down to the same thing: money and power. This is no different here, there is nothing special about medicine that insulates the field from such fallacy. It sure is boom time for the banally evil.
  4. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Without falling into the trap of talking politics per se, we only have to look at high profile leaders to see the technique being used here. Say all the right words, so it sounds like you are on the side of the angels, but behave completely counter to that. The people they want to impress only hear the words, and are wilfully blind to what is actually done.

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