Germany: Guide for the management of consequences of viral disease with SARS-CoV-2 from the point of view of occupational therapy 2023 Costa

Discussion in 'Other guidelines' started by Andy, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Consequences of viral disease with SARS-CoV-2 affect the biopsychosocial health and thus the everyday life of those affected, their opportunities for action and participation in all areas of life. In all phases of care, occupational therapists have numerous options when it comes to selecting and designing the setting, the means of intervention, measures and methods to support those affected with regard to the best possible quality of life and to actively redesign their lives. This document provides insight and recommendations for occupational therapy practice based on the evidence available at the time of writing.

    Summary [sic]

    Sequelae of viral disease with SARS-CoV-2 impact clients' biopsychosocial health, thus their daily life, with limitations resp. barriers in their occupational capacities and opportunities. Occupational therapists have numerous and, with constantly growing evidence, personalized therapeutic means, measures, and methods in any intervention phase relevant to these according health problems, supporting ie coping, occupational adaptation, quality of life and participatory re-shaping of (daily) life . Based on ongoing research findings and practice evidence, this document contains recommendations for occupational therapy intervention for clients with biopsychosocial health conditions post COVID-19.


    With reference to the S1 guideline for primary care providers and general practitioners [ 1 ], this supplement is intended for occupational therapy professionals on the one hand, and for patients and their relatives on the other hand, as well as all other cooperation partners - members of all professions and disciplines, who work with those affected by the consequences of a viral disease with SARS-CoV-2, and others who are interested in the content.

    Open access,
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