Has anyone else here struggled with a persistent verruca?

Discussion in 'Other specific illnesses' started by InitialConditions, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    I've had one for the best part of a decade. At various times I've tried to treat it, mostly with over-the-counter gels such as bazuka.

    In Feb–March I had several sessions with a podiatrist, including 2 x debridlement and one quick session with a 'verruca pen' which seemed to be some sort of laser device. It was shrinking and looked like we'd conquered it, but it came back.

    Apparently immune conditions can make getting rid of verrucas harder, which is sort of obvious. It's the immune system that does all the work in getting rid of the verruca.

    So, anyone had the same issue? What should I try next?!
  2. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I sympathise. 30 yrs ago i had a large one it was 1cm in diameter (i think actually it was a cluster of them rather than one). And it HURT. Had another smaller one on other foot. I had them for many yrs.

    Had them burned out, frozen out, all sorts by GP/podiatrists, & tried all manner of gels & creams from chemist and from drs podiatrists etc. But nothing worked, it always just came straight back. It was really deep so i imagine it was hard to get it all.

    Anyway i gave up and it just let it be. The treatments all made it hurt more & I'd had it so long I just kind of accepted it by that time.

    Anyway I then moved to a hot country and was walking on the beach & in the sea every day. And within about 6wks they both just disappeared. Another girl who was living/working with me said she'd had the same experience when she arrived (long term verrucas that disappeared within a few wks of being there)

    The sand and salt may have had nothing at all to do with it, it may have been pure coincidence. And i dont think mood can have affected it immune wise as i wasnt particularly any happier in that idyllic sounding scenario!

    So while its Purely anecdotal & not very scientific for S4, & it likely doesnt help you as you'll not be able to go walking on a beach and swimming in the sea everyday, But i did think at the time that if i ever got one again i'd try sanding it down and soaking in salt water every day.

    good luck with it they really are a pain
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    My kids had theirs 'burned' off with dry ice by the practice nurse at the GP. That was decades ago. No idea whether they still do that.
  4. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have recently seen a video of a doctor/foot surgeon in the US removing plantar warts/veruccas. She was using something that produced a hole like a hole punch for paper. The holes were deep, and I wouldn't have called what she was doing "debridement", instead it was more like complete excision, and the man's warts hadn't come back by the end of the video. He had had 207 of them in total over both feet, which is probably why his case was used as the basis of a video. Perhaps the people you've seen and been treated by have been a bit timid in their removal techniques?

    I should point out that anyone with trypophobia (fear of holes) should not watch this!
    V.R.T., DokaGirl, alktipping and 3 others like this.
  5. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    I think they got rid of verruca treatment as standard in the NHS. Might vary by trust, but it's definitely not like it used to be. I had a wart frozen when I was at school.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The approach in swimming now seems to be that exposure is probably the best way to deal with the virus, since avoiding it doesn't work and most kids exposed to it eventually develop immunity. I imagine the NHS has taken a similar view, and verrucas are only treated if they're really problematic and won't go away on their own. Even then, I don't think it always works.

    All I can do is sympathise that you're having to put up with it, @InitialConditions. I had a whole rash of the ruddy things on one of my feet for several years, and they're painful! Mine went when a long-lasting ME crash abated a bit, and I was able to walk more, grub around in the garden in bare feet or flip flops, etc. I don't think it was the necessarily the illness that kept them going, more that my feet weren't getting any wear and tear because I had to rest so much. That might be why verrucas often tend to be short lived in young kids—they spend a lot less time wearing shoes than adults.
  7. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Oh gosh flashbacks to being 9 or 10 and having a rather large rather persistent verruca on the ball of my foot. I had weekly visits to a foot clinic to have treatment with a rather copious amount of salycillic or whatever it’s called and hobbling round with a big dressing on. that seemed to have taken a couple of months to get it shifted and it definitely left a large crater. I also had a couple of pretty small ones that caused minimal hassle in comparison.
    Kitty, DokaGirl, Trish and 1 other person like this.
  8. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    OMG @Arnie Pye that video is amazing i love to watch anything like that. warts, cyst removal etc. I even watch videos of jigger removal. If you dont know what that is look on youtube but not if you're squeamish lol
    Arnie Pye likes this.
  9. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'd never heard of jiggers before, which I'm quite glad about! :)
  10. Ebb Tide

    Ebb Tide Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'd never had one until after my 2017 relapse, not sure exactly when it appeared but started trying to treat it in 2019. At first I thought it was a corn, but after using corn plasters for a bit realised it looked more like finger warts I'd had in my teens.

    I saw a foot care practitioner once who confirmed it was a verucca and used something a bit like a mini disc sander on it.
    I tried gel, scraping it with foot file and something from the chemist that was supposed to freeze it off, none of which made any difference.

    Most recently I've used a verucca removal system by Scholl, and it finally seems to have gone. It consists of different sized medicated discs of salicyclic acid and padded plasters to keep the disc on for the required 48 hours, which is easier than the contortions to put gel in the right place and keep it there.
    I scraped any loosened layers off before reapplying the next plaster. I had to use it for the the maximum 12 weeks recommended, then had a break and did about five more. I've been clear since April.
    Of course it could just be that my body became able to get rid of it, but I could see the layers going and it getting smaller with the treatment, until I was back to the normal skin lines.

    Good luck.
  11. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    Thanks, may try this. Some people say just covering the verruca (e.g., with duct tape) can help, so maybe the combination of a plaster with salicyclic acid might work.
    Starlight, Arnie Pye and Trish like this.
  12. Subtropical Island

    Subtropical Island Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Had the vanishing after a good summer of sand and saltwater thing, was gone for a longish time but all back.
    It’s just one more thing to get around to mentioning again to do other (but too many things higher on the list)

    hope yours just goes, as they’re really supposed to.

    and sympathies if this is another one of those things we just don’t get ‘supposed to’ for.
    Trish likes this.
  13. Starlight

    Starlight Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The duct tape worked very well for me.
  14. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Since verrucas are caused by viruses, one wonders by what mechanism covering it with duct tape can work? Not saying it doesnt, just wondering.
    bobbler likes this.
  15. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Old wives tales are topical applications. Don't know if you've tried any of these.

    Banana skin ( many swear by this it has a compound which is said to break down verucas).
    Tea tree oil ( diluted) - contains Terpinen -4, an anti microbial which is said to be effective - used for one of my kids when in primary school and seemed to help

    The Scholl system works well - eldest child used this in early teens
    Trish likes this.

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