Has anyone used Rosemary or Basil essential oil to clear the head?

Discussion in 'Other treatments' started by hellytheelephant, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. hellytheelephant

    hellytheelephant Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    firstly- we are not talking cures here...just using an oil in my burner in place of a strong cup of tea when I am flagging.

    I tend to avoid the more stimulating oils as I don't want to feel 'wired'...but would be interested if anyone has experience with these.

    Thx Helen
    DokaGirl and Trish like this.
  2. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes! I use rosemary, basil & Geranium often. Love em. Geranium & basil make a lovely combination imo. If i've got to concentrate on anything or be at my best cognitively I dilute with almond oil & massage in all over myself (well arms legs mainly)
    And use in burner too sometimes. If i cant get hold of the rosemary oil i've been known to send my carer into the garden to pick some & put it next to me :)

    A few caveats...
    Sometimes the smell of each of the above (as with the aroma of anything else) is disgusting to me. I find that I seem to 'know' what i need - when i'm 'adrenalined up' basil & geranium don't smell very nice at all & more sedative oils like lavender & clary sage smell wonderful.
    I cant use any of it if i'm bad - when i'm in a crash i cant bear any smells at all. And it doesn't do anything to help if i'm in the middle of my 'range' either, but at the top end of my range of fluctuating abilities it does seem to give me a little 'edge' in alertness.
    Whether or not that is entirely placebo or not, or simply affecting my mood - which smell has always done - & therefore making me feel less daunted by the cognitive task, I couldn't say, but i wouldn't be without my oils if i need to be as sharp as i can be.

    The following studies referenced in these articles seem to have the usual psych research flaws - inadequate controls & lack of sufficient recognition of expectation bias... so from a layman's point of view i'd say that all they suggest is that they're reasonably effective placebos, & yet the outcome measures were possibly objective... i dunno i cant be bothered to investigate further, because i dont care if it's entirely placebo effect...I'm quite happy if it it is. It makes the experience of trying to concentrate better for me, so even if it's an entirely subjective effect, it's one i value.


    I'd be very interested if one of our more scientific minds would like to check these studies out further & interrogate them a bit, but totally understand if no one wants to, i suspect they will be as flawed as the rest of the poorly conducted psych dross we have to wade through. No disrespect to the authors & i'll be very happy to be wrong about that.

    Edited to add 'arms & legs'
    And the final paragraph
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    hellytheelephant, DokaGirl and Trish like this.
  3. hellytheelephant

    hellytheelephant Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you @JemPD for all the info -
    that is really helpful. I also have the 'can't tolerate smells' when I am v flared up. I have already got Geranium, but not the other two. AS far as Placebo effect, bring it on! I am happy to have anything that makes things even a tiny bit better regardless of whether it's placebo or not.

    I use a ton of Lavender and use it every day, it seems to really suit me, and I use Bergamot, which is quite uplifting. I use Tea tree for sinus too.

    I am going to buy some Basil and will check it out with the Geranium. Still not sure about the scent of Rosemary....

  4. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @hellytheelephant I find Neals yard basil & geranium the nicest brands i not had their rosemary - i used to use 'essentially oils' brand & their rosemary was divine, but they went bust so no longer available. I not too keen on amphora aromatics' rosemary, but tisserand is ok.
    I like bergamot too :)
    hellytheelephant likes this.

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