Historical Studies (pre-2000) of particular scientific interest

Discussion in 'Science library (Read only)' started by Woolie, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Woolie

    Woolie Senior Member

    The entire November 1978 issue of the Post Graduate Medical Journal was devoted to ME and can be accessed here (note ME is called Epidemic Neuromyasthenia in this issue):


    Click on the article name in the table of contents, and then click on the PDF symbol on the subsequent abstract page to read the full article.

    @Forbin notes that the issue includes articles by Melvin Ramsay and J. Gordon Parish among others.

    The link below is to a historical catalogue of articles going back to 1994, and even earlier, compiled by Margaret Williams (includes a useful search function):


    Thank you to @Daisymay and @Forbin for supplying these links.

    S4ME discussion on these articles can be found here:

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