Review Incidence and prevalence of functional neurological disorder: a systematic review, 2024, Finkelstein, Diamond, Carson, Stone

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by SNT Gatchaman, Dec 12, 2024 at 12:05 AM.

  1. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Incidence and prevalence of functional neurological disorder: a systematic review
    Sara A Finkelstein; Clare Diamond; Alan Carson; Jon Stone

    Robust epidemiological data regarding population incidence and prevalence of functional neurological disorder (FND) would be helpful with regards to resource allocation and planning for this disorder, particularly given high symptom burden and high healthcare utilisation. We therefore aimed to systematically review and synthesise available data on FND incidence and prevalence.

    PubMed was searched to identify original research articles that reported on the incidence or prevalence of FND. Risk of bias assessment for each study was conducted. Incidence and prevalence rates of FND were additionally estimated by extrapolating data from low risk of bias studies on functional seizures alone.

    Thirty-nine articles were included. Nineteen reported on FND incidence, 21 reported on prevalence. Comparison between studies was difficult due to methodological differences and significant heterogeneity of incidence and prevalence estimates was found. The incidence of FND was estimated at 10–22/100 00, while minimum prevalence of FND was estimated at 80–140/100 000, with a possible range of 50–1600/100 000. Incidence of paediatric FND was estimated to be between 1 and 18/100 000.

    The range of incidence and prevalence varies widely across studies, with significant heterogeneity among studies and most studies likely provide underestimates due to methodological challenges. However, using our best method as a conservative estimate, there are likely a minimum of 50–100 000 people with FND in the UK, as an example country. Given that FND appears to be more prevalent than many other well-known and well-funded neurological disorders, incidence and prevalence data suggested here indicate the need for greater research and clinical funding allocation to FND programmes.

    Link | PDF (Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry) [Open Access]
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