Interoceptive technologies for clinical neuroscience, 2022, Schoeller et al

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by CRG, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. CRG

    CRG Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Interoceptive technologies for clinical neuroscience

    Felix Schoeller* [1,2,6], Adam Haar Horowitz [1,3], Abhinandan Jain [1], Pattie Maes [1], Nicco Reggente [2], Leonardo Christov Moore [2], Giovanni Pezzulo [16], Laura Barca [16], Micah Allen [4.5], Roy Salomon [6], Mark Miller [7], Daniele DiLernia [8], Giuseppe Riva [8-9], Manos Tsakiris [10, 11, 12], Moussa A. Chalah [13,14], Arno Klein [17], Vladimir Adrien [18 19], Marion Trousselard [15], Charles Verdonk [15], Guillaume Dumas [20], Karl Friston


    The perception of body signals play a crucial role in cognition and emotion, which may lead to catastrophic outcomes when it becomes dysfunctional. To characterize these mechanisms and intervene on interoception for either diagnostic or treatment purposes, a mounting body of research is concerned with interventions on interoceptive channels such as respiration, cardioception, or thermoception.

    However, we are still lacking a mechanistic understanding of the underlying psychophysiology. For example, interoceptive signals are often both the cause and consequences of some distress in various mental disorders, and it is still unclear how interoceptive signals bind with exteroceptive cues. In this article, we present existing technologies for manipulating interoception and review their clinical potential in light of the predictive processing framework describing interoception as a process of minimization of prediction errors.

    We distinguish between three kinds of stimuli: artificial sensations that concern the direct manipulation of interoceptive signals, interoceptive illusions that manipulate contextual cues to induce a predictable drift in body perception, and emotional augmentation technologies that blend artificial sensations with contextual cues of personal significance to generate specific moods or emotions.

    We discuss how each technology can assess and intervene on the precision-weighting of prediction errors along the cognitive and emotional processing hierarchy and conclude by discussing the clinical relevance of interoceptive technologies in terms of diagnostic stress tests for evaluating interoceptive abilities across clinical conditions and as intervention protocols for conditions such as generalized anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.

  2. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    However, we are still lacking a mechanistic understanding of the underlying psychophysiology.

    Depends on who you ask. Some seem to think they have figured it all out, and it is now just a marketing problem.
    Hutan and alktipping like this.
  3. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    SNT Gatchaman and Sean like this.

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