Intuition and evidence--uneasy bedfellows? 2002, Trisha Greenhalgh

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by JaneL, Nov 1, 2021.

  1. JaneL

    JaneL Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hampshire, UK

    Intuition is a decision-making method that is used unconsciously by experienced practitioners but is inaccessible to the novice. It is rapid, subtle, contextual, and does not follow simple, cause-and-effect logic. Evidence-based medicine offers exciting opportunities_for improving patient outcomes, but the 'evidence-burdened' approach of the inexperienced, protocol-driven clinician is well documented Intuition is not unscientific. It is a highly creative process, fundamental to hypothesis generation in science. The experienced practitioner should generate and follow clinical hunches as well as (not instead of applying the deductive principles of evidence-based medicine. The educational research literature suggests that we can improve our intuitive powers through systematic critical reflection about intuitive judgements--for example, through creative writing and dialogue with professional colleagues. It is time to revive and celebrate clinical storytelling as a method for professional education and development. The stage is surely set for a new, improved--and, indeed, evidence-based--'Balint'group.

    (An old paper but thought it might be of interest)
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That's experience, not intuition.
    Does it? It aspires to, whether it does is very debatable and leans on no after decades of failing at it.

    This seems very meandering and self-important.

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