Invisible disabilities: perceptions and barriers to reasonable accommodations in the workplace

Discussion in 'Work, Finances and Disability Insurance' started by Dolphin, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)


  2. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    CFS gets a mention:
  3. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Was just watching this...........well the weather is rubbish at the moment.

    Workplace Mental Health & Well-being - Sir Mansel Aylward and Dr Adrian Neal
    Aug 2018
    from 15.oo ish he 'explains' why people 'stay sick' ,(the psychosocial model).

    What Does Evidence Based Practice Really Mean When Thinking About Mental Health at Work?

    around 23.00 Dr Adrian Neal, big fan of BPS model but admits he doesn't know much about the bio bit.

    around 33.oo he says to be sceptical about the evidence.
    but then that 'we have a gold standard evidence base for psychological therapies' but doesn't say what, then adds 'but then you have what happens in the real world'.

    around 37.oo he says 'we have a good evidence base', for psychological therapies but again nothing to back it up.

    then around 38.oo within working environment 'very little evidence, that it works'.

    can't watch anymore
  4. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    Whenever I hear the phrase "in the real world" I know I'm usually going to hear someone describe the way they see things in their version of the world, complete with biases, prejudices, delusions etc. I find the phrase rather tiresome and pompous.

    Buggered if I'm watching any of that by the way.
  5. MSEsperanza

    MSEsperanza Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    betwixt and between
    Have not read the (paywalled) article nor watched the video, but it would be interesting what kind of workplace adjustments were discussed.

    In my mild phases I probably would have benefited from two adjustments: part-time employment, and the possibility (and acceptance) of lying down during breaks. This, however, would have presupposed that I actually was disabled to a certain degree, which nobody but myself had recognized at that (long gone) stage.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  6. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    what is generally missing in discussion of reasonable adjustments is that there shouldnt be a presumption that reasonable adjustments can solve the issues for everyone and continuing to work is the universal aim.

    I had a really flexible manager and was well supported but in reality once I established that I could only work 15 hours a week and that was taking up nearly all my energy I should have been supported to go for ill health retirement about two years earlier than happened. And of course the whole hostile environment about disability benefits, ill health retirement and ill health insurance claims is designed to keep you pushing to work even when it is counterproductive to your health.

    in the absence of any effective treatment one of the things that the NICE guidelines should look at is the advice and support given to people around whether working is negatively affecting their health. Only through a private consultation did I get this advice. Obviously in some circumstances people may be in a position where they feel they need to continue to try to work irrespective of medical advice about their health. Then it is in the hands of the employer and many will resort to dismissal if they decide the level of performance the person is delivering is not satisfactory despite any reasonable adjustments.

    I think this is where gradual onset adds to the complexity of the situation as @MSEsperanza alluded to it takes time to understand the impact of your disability. When it creeps up on you its hard for you and others to recognise.

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