John Chia Interview by Amy Proal and Enteroviruses in ME (Blogpost)

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by johnnydme, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. johnnydme

    johnnydme New Member

    Hello Guys,

    I wrote a blogpost on enteroviruses in myalgic encephalomyelitis focusing on John Chia's research and with a section on historical research (which was mostly conducted in the UK in the 80s and 90s).

    In the post I tried to provide a substantial look at this topic since it is, in my view, very underreported, compared to the amount of research and the level of evidence of enteroviruses in ME. I hope you will find it helpful and welcome any comments, suggestions, criticisms (though more so the first two, ha).

    The impetus and a main source for this post was a very comprehensive interview Amy Proal, of PolyBio, did with John Chia in October. It is a very worthwhile listen if you are having a good day and can get through it.
    Interview Link:


    [Mods please move thread if not in the right place.]
    EzzieD, Mithriel, Ash and 7 others like this.

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