Leukocyte activation primes fibrinogen for proteolysis by mitochondrial oxidative stress, 2022, Yeop Han et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    • Leukocyte-induced inflammation first oxidizes, then degrades fibrinogen.
    • Fibrinogen is primed for proteolysis by a process that involves mitochondrial and myeloperoxidase-derived oxidative stress.
    • Inhibition of oxidative stress by antioxidants can prevent both fibrinogen oxidation and degradation.

    Critical illness leads to rapid fibrinogen consumption, hyperfibrinolysis, and coagulopathy that exacerbates bleeding and increases mortality. Immune cell activation and inflammation are associated with coagulopathy after injury but play an undetermined role. We performed high dimensional immunophenotyping and single-cell imaging flow cytometry to investigate for a pathophysiological mechanism governing the effects of leukocyte-associated inflammation on fibrinogen function. Fibrinogen was oxidized early, followed by its degradation after 3 hours of lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced sterile inflammation in a rat model in vivo. Fibrinogen incubated with human leukocytes activated by TNFα was similarly oxidized, and later proteolyzed after 3 hours in vitro. TNFα induced mitochondrial superoxide generation from neutrophils and monocytes, myeloperoxidase (MPO)-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) from neutrophils, and nitric oxide from lymphocytes and monocytes. Inhibition of mitochondrial superoxide prevented oxidative modification and proteolysis of fibrinogen, whereas inhibition of MPO attenuated only fibrinogen proteolysis. Quenching of both mitochondrial superoxide and MPO-derived ROS prevented coagulopathy better than tranexamic acid. Collectively, these findings indicate that neutrophil and monocyte mitochondrial superoxide generation can rapidly oxidize fibrinogen as a priming step for fibrinogen proteolysis and coagulopathy during inflammation.

    Open access, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213231722000350
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