Link Between Daily Sunlight Exposure and Dyslipidemia Patients – A Cross-Sectional Study

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Mij, Oct 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM.

  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Gunasekaran Ramanathan
    Background: Earlier studies have suggested that Sunlight and vitamin D are related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the link between sunlight exposure and risk factors for CVD has not been adequately investigated. Dyslipidaemia is a major risk factor for CVD we aim to investigate whether sunlight exposure has an effect on dyslipidemia patients’ serum lipid profile and vitamin D.

    Methods: This study was carried out in apparently healthy Indian adults of both sexes, aged above 18 years and dyslipidemia patients’ from Swamy Vivekananda Medical College Hospital (SVMCH). Normal control group (healthy subjects) (n30), Dull sunlight exposure group dyslipidemia patients N30, and bright sunlight exposure group dyslipidemia patients n30, Oral supplement of Vitamin D group (n30), Obese dyslipidemia patients group (n30) before and after sunlight exposure, after overnight fasting peripheral venous blood samples were collected, and the serum was stored in -80 oC fridge. Serum levels of 25(OH) D (25- hydroxy vitamin D3) and lipid levels were analyzed by routine lab method using an Autoanalyzer.
    Results: We compare the bright and dull sunlight exposure dyslipidemia patients and obese groups; a significant elevation was seen in 25-(OH) D concentrations in the bright sunlight exposure group (P < 0.01), and the lipid profiles TGs, TCs, LDL-C, and VLDL-C were significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The HDL-C level significantly increased when compared to the dull sunlight exposure group. There was no significant change in serum Vitamin D and lipid profile level of the oral supplement vitamin D group compared with the bright sunlight exposure group.

    Conclusion: Our study reveals that bright sunlight exposure is beneficial and linked with the improvement of Vitamin D and lipid profile of dyslipidemia. In comparison orally supplemented Vitamin D had an adverse effect on lipid profile.
  2. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've been taking vitamin D supplements daily for over 20 years and I'm not so sure it helps me. I haven't had my levels tested for years because they are no longer testing unless we are diabetic or over the age of 70.

    What I've noticed every summer is that I tend to feel much worse the day after sun bathing. The last 4 years I've been dealing with a vestibular virus that comes and goes, the day after sun bathing re-activates the symptoms. So I decided to stop taking supplements and sitting out in the sun for the last 3 months and my symptoms got less and now they're gone. I feel back to my normal baseline.

    I'm staying off the supplements until January and I won't have any sun to sun bathe in so no worries.
    alktipping and Helene like this.

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