Living with functional movement disorders: a tale of three battles. An interpretative phenomenological analysis 2022 Bazydlo & Eccles

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK


    Functional movement disorders (FMD) have poor prognosis and high physical and psychological co-morbidity. Their pathogenesis remains unclear, clinicians often find them difficult to treat, and lack of agreement between healthcare providers and patients is common. This study aimed to explore the experiences of living with FMD to improve understanding of its impact and patients’ needs.

    Ten participants across the UK were recruited online through a charity’s social media platforms. Semi structured interviews were conducted via video calls and were audio recorded and verbatim transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis.

    Three superordinate themes were generated from the data, representing the three battles fought by the participants: (1) intrapersonal: the tug of war with the secret agent within- the power struggle with symptoms; (2) interpersonal: navigating stigma and self-preservation; (3) systemic: pursuing hope and treatments against helplessness and passivity.

    Loss of control, feelings of powerlessness and oppression by symptoms is often mirrored in participants’ experiences of seeking healthcare and navigating societal stigma. Active efforts to regain influence, improve quality of life and maintain hope can be jeopardised by others’ dismissive attitudes and lack of knowledge. Antonovsky’s model of salutogenesis is proposed as a useful framework for facilitating empowerment in FMD service provision.

    Open access,
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  2. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    (1) intra personal = having a disabling chronic illness is very difficult especially when there is no one helping you with aids and support because your disease is misdiagnosed as psychological.

    (2) interpersonal - there would be no stigma and lots of support if you cultists did not exist.

    (3) systemic - if the disease was not being misdiagnosed as psychological there might be treatments or at least hope of a treatment.

    Done without a grant just a knowledge of biology and the sins of psychology.
  3. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    Functional movement disorders (FMD) have poor prognosis and high physical and psychological co-morbidity. Their pathogenesis remains unclear, clinicians often find them difficult to treat, and lack of agreement between healthcare providers and patients is common.

    Well, that's what happens when the assertion of authority and power has a poor conceptual, empirical, and ethical basis.

    Loss of control, feelings of powerlessness and oppression by symptoms is often mirrored in participants’ experiences of seeking healthcare and navigating societal stigma. Active efforts to regain influence, improve quality of life and maintain hope can be jeopardised by others’ dismissive attitudes and lack of knowledge.



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