Hello all. I am going to plug something I am not directly part of or leading but collaborate with - since I can't see anything about it on this board. There is a Long COVID biobank run by Professor Stephanie Gras here at La Trobe University in Melbourne. Our lab collaborates with this team and my boss Dr Sarah Annesley works closely with them. Together they and other investigators across Australia (such as Professor Kirsty Short) were successful in an MRFF bid - this huge MRFF team is now recruiting across much of Australia particularly Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne. Link if interested: https://graslab.com.au/covid-19-study/ Long COVID and more generally post-COVID are both of interest I think. I don't personally have more details on hand but I am guessing they would be provided to interested individuals upon establishing contact. It's an incredible group of researchers with big goals and the chops to back it up - so please check it out of you are interested in supporting the research of reputed leaders in their respective disciplines all tackling LC together.
They say this was their last paper: https://www.s4me.info/threads/a-com...july-2023-augusto-peluso-henrich-et-al.34257/