Looking for an ME or FM friendly doctor in British Columbia? Got a BC health care practitioner you can recommend?

Discussion in 'Other clinics and doctors' started by Concepcion, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. Concepcion

    Concepcion Established Member


    The number one question our Society receives, whether by phone, email or via social media: Can you refer me to a doctor?

    The Problem:
    • The only expert ME doctors in British Columbia, who are currently taking new patients, are at BC Women’s Hospital Complex Chronic Diseases Program - which needs a referral from a GP, and currently has a 27 month wait list.
    • There are few others we can recommend for fibromyalgia.
    • The health care system is riddled with ignorance and stigma regarding these two complex chronic and disabling illnesses.
    • Patients are left desperately seeking professional medical support, often instead exposed to traumatic experiences at the hands of the health care system.

    The Rumours:
    • There are doctors who may not know about ME or fibromyalgia, but who have been helpful - willing to prescribe medications, make referrals to specialists, or help with disability forms.
    • There are doctors who are learning more about ME or fibromyalgia through education by their patients.
    • There are allied and complementary health care professionals who have been helpful to ME and fibromyalgia patients.

    The Solution:

    On our new website you’ll find:
    • Information shared by users that is easy to search by name, location and health care discipline.
    • A comprehensive questionnaire and rating system that allows users to submit information and answers to frequently asked questions about physicians
    • A comment section for each entry
    • The database can be searched without registering, however, registration is required in order to add a new practitioner to the system, to rate a practitioner, or add comments
    The more recommendations added to our list by users, the larger and more useful the database. So keep adding your favourite health care providers to our list, and
    keep coming back!


    This Beta version is only available for information about British Columbia health care professionals. Our next version will apply Canada wide.

    Many thanks to Victoria based Senior Programmer Robert Thomas without whose efforts, knowledge and commitment this resource would never have seen the light of day.

    DokaGirl, MeSci, Hutan and 3 others like this.

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