I recall an eminent medical Doctor/scientist stating that there'd need to be a new discovery i.e. to make progress in ME/CFS - that came to mind re this BBC Radio 4 program* - think Carol* develop mass spectrometry to look at molecule shape. Also, in this thread there's discussion of "messy antibodies" that would relate to shape? - https://www.s4me.info/threads/mensa...-in-long-covid-2024-haddad.39249/#post-542606 *Carol Robinson on chemistry- "In her hands, mass spectrometry has been transformed from a routine technique for checking what chemicals are present in, say an antibiotic, into a powerful research tool for drug development. Her motto when doing experiments is, 'it's not working yet' and she's happy to risk drilling into this hugely expensive machine to try and get it to do what she wants." https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b049yhcn