Thanks for including a link to a video of the No Isolation robots at our #MillionsMissing event in Berlin @JaimeS! (Tiny typo, an »s« in Deutschland is missing.) Great summary!
She refers to herself as Julie. Search for her name with ME/CFS or similar and you'll see lots of people call her this. In other news, apparently the research review I did a year ago for OMF has been posted! This is really good news because I haven't been able to share it before now. I found it via Google and it's on OMF's website, so it must be safe to share -- apparently they uploaded it this April. The version they've got is the one that I initially put together before the Stanford Genome Technology Center's first annual symposium last August. Therefore, it's geared to the people at the SGTC, with a note of different researchers and their background at the end. Since I can't alter it from here, I'll just add that this page was not an exhaustive attempt at including everyone, but just in hopes of being able to familiarize the folk at the SGTC with some of the names they'd hear, and give them a quick run-down of their fields. It's here: I have a more edited version of it (there were a few lingering mistakes, despite my best efforts), and I'll be doing another research review this year, but for now I hope you find it helpful. @Sly Saint -- thanks for pointing out the Julie/Julia thing or I'd never know that they actually posted it online!