[note: I just got this via a Medscape alert, I have not read it yet, just grabbed a few sections for the quote below] Do Fatigue and Exercise Intolerance Post-COVID-19 Indicate a Chronic Disease? Authors: News Author: Miriam E. Tucker; CME Author: Charles P. Vega, MDFaculty and Disclosures CME / ABIM MOC / CE Released: 11/4/2022 Valid for credit through: 11/4/2023 https://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/983265
not able to access the full article. "A new study provides yet more evidence that a significant subset of people who experience persistent fatigue and exercise intolerance after COVID-19 will meet diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS." does it say what this study is called/ provide a link?
I think that particular statement is about this study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32507-6 But here's a copy of the References, just in case I cut/pasted the wrong link: PS. Medscape requires you to register to see a lot of their content, but they only require an email address and a password. There's no fee. For privacy reasons I registered with the name "ahimsa ahimsa" and used a nearby zip code (they only asked for country and zip code, not an address). And of course I did not connect any of the accounts they list (google, apple, facebook). Just putting that out there for folks who want to read Medscape content.