News from Portugal

Discussion in 'Regional news' started by Andy, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Copied from News from South America

    "We are pleased to welcome #MillionsMissing Aliança, which brings #MECFS groups and individuals from #Portugal & #Brazil together. It aims to expand to the entire Portuguese-speaking community."

    "#MillionsMissing Aliança has a public facebook group for the moment. Join it!… We'll share them when they are on Twitter. Their priorities: 1. Raise awareness about #MECFS through (social) media and events. 2. Make the community of Portuguese-"

    "speaking patients visible, with physical or virtual support groups. Cooperate with other organizations. 3. Promote medical education for healthcare providers; provide resources in Portuguese. 4. Call on public authorities to make clear commitments to #MECFS patients."

    Quotes from Twitter thread from Millions Missing France

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