A thread for ME/CFS-related news from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ************************************************* Coaching to Strengthen Critical Success Factors in Integrative Care for Chronic Fatigue Patients: The Patient Needs-Resources Model 2023,Araja et al Diana Araja 1*, Angelika Krumina 2, Zaiga Nora-Krukle 1, Marion E. Schneider 3, Uldis Berkis 4 and Modra Murovska 1 Rīga Stradiņš University A paper funded by the Latvian Council of Science does not seem to have much to do with what it was funded for (ME/CFS biomarkers). That's a great shame given someone probably worked very hard to get that funding arranged.
Looking at the threads we have with a "Latvia" tag, I see this study was done with funding from the same 2019 Latvian Council of Science grant: Potential of Activin B as a Clinical Biomarker in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), 2021, Gravelsina et al Sabine Gravelsina 1,*, Zaiga Nora-Krukle 1 , Anda Vilmane 1 , Simons Svirskis 1 , Katrine Vecvagare 1 , Angelika Krumina 2 and Modra Murovska 1 Rīga Stradiņš University The first line of the abstract of that paper was The study found that Activin B was not useful as a biomarker - a negative result, but still a worthwhile effort in the hunt for a biomarker. So, things started out well ... It looks as though there is a story there.
Yes, I remember there was a member called @Rena who was actually looking for doctors familiar with ME/CFS in Lithuania. I don't know if she still checks the forum or not but I'm tagging her just in case.
hiya, yeah I saw this too, very encouraging. I only have 2 patient contacts. As far as I know there aren't any charities/associations in Lithuania