News in Brief - October 2018

Discussion in 'Weekly ME news in brief' started by Trish, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    This thread has a Science for ME News In Brief post for each week in October 2018 written by @Trish and @Kalliope. Scroll down to find this week's news.
    mango, Andy and Moosie like this.
  2. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Week beginning 1st October 2018


    The October 01 release of the SNOMED CT UK Edition is now available from the NHS Digital public version of the SNOMED CT browser.
    This UK release incorporates the addition of the parent "Disorder of nervous system" for CFS and terms under Synonyms, as approved and implemented for the July 2018 release of SNOMED CT International Edition.
    Thread here post #162

    Norway A petition against the National Competence Service for CFS/ME (BPS approach) has now reached over 4 500 signatures. Initiator Nina E. Steinkopf has written several blogposts explaining problematic aspects with the Competence Service. Last week she wrote about their research efforts.
    Blog post here (Google translated) Thread post here.

    In the media

    ''Indie pop sensation's disease became his muse''.
    Ryan Prior has written about Belle & Sebastian musician Stuart Murdoch for CNN Health. Stuart Murdoch has had ME since the late 1980's. He has recently become an ambassador for Open Medicine Foundation and says that to shine a light on a disease that afflicts more than 17 million people worldwide could be the most important thing he ever does.
    Article here Thread here

    GQ Magazine
    ''Chronic fatigue syndrome: everything you need to know''. Short reasonably good article explaining CFS - making it clear it's real and quoting Charles Shepherd saying GET can be harmful.
    Article here Thread here

    Articles, blogs, talks, videos

    Australia #MEAction
    ''National Committee will Issue Report on ME and CFS'' by Sasha Nimmo.
    Raises concerns about the approach taken to ME by the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the lack of transparency in the process of producing the report.
    Article here Thread here post #10

    Trial by Error
    by David Tuller
    ''The CFS/ME Research Collaborative Conference''.
    David Tuller attended the conference which had a biomedical focus. He reflects on the change since Esther Crawley left the CMRC, and shares some of his conversations and impressions.
    Article here Thread here

    Northern Ireland Talks by David Tuller and Brian Hughes on 2nd October at Newry: ''The PACE Trial: 'One Of The Greatest Scandals'.''
    A brilliant double act! Brian Hughes placed PACE in the context of the wider crisis in psychology research, emphasising the unacceptability of using subjective outcome measures in unblinded trials, and outcome switching. David Tuller described his work challenging PACE, explored its flaws further, and asked if it is a case of research misconduct. The video has already been viewed over 8 000 times.
    Video here Thread here

    UK CMRC Conference some of the lecture videos are now available.
    Videos here Thread here post #273

    Biomedical Research

    Journal of Translational Medicine Review article ''Chronic viral infections in ME/CFS'' by Scheibenbogen et al (EUROMENE)
    Concludes that more research is needed including longitudinal studies and biomarkers for diagnosis and subgrouping.
    Paper here Thread here

    Frontiers in Immunology ''CD24 expression and B cell maturation shows a novel link with energy metabolism: potential implications for patients with ME/CFS'' by Mensah et al
    Paper here Thread here

    Current research news

    Australia ''Epidemiology of Multiple Somatic Symptoms in the community, and its association with illness related cognitions'', Jones et al
    Large longitudinal study which includes CFS as a somatization disorder.
    Article by Sasha Nimmo of ME Australia expressing serious concern about the study: ''Macquarie University studies hypochondria in chronic fatigue syndrome, MCS and fibromyalgia''.
    Trial information here ... ME Australia article here ... Thread here

    USA CDC Awards NASN $ 1,2 Million Contract to develop school nurse led system to conduct active national surveillance for students who are chronically absent. This specifically includes ME/CFS.
    Article here Thread here

    UK Brighton and Sussex University Hospital and Medical School - Chronic Pain and Fatigue study with Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS patients. Tests include MRI and tilt table.
    Thread here

    UK ME/CFS Biobank samples will be used for a twelve-month study entitled “Role of Sirt1/NOS axis in vascular and immune homeostasis: A missing piece in the ME/CFS puzzle?” by Dr Francisco Westermeier a biochemist in Austria.
    Thread here post #52


    #MEAction ''Per Fink should not spread lies about ME at Columbia University''
    The Danish physician Per Fink uses the diagnosis of Bodily Distress Syndrome (BDS) as a unified umbrella for a number of diseases, including ME. #MEAction demands Per Fink to be uninvited as a speaker at the 4th Columbia University Psychosomatic Conference in New York, Oct. 20th.
    Petition here Thread here

    Coming events

    Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group conferences.
    18 October Charles Shepherd, 23/24 October David Tuller ''Scientific Integrity and Clinical Trials''. See the thread for booking details.
    Thread here
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Week beginning 8th October 2018


    The Dutch Society of GP's has removed ME/CFS guidelines from its website. CBT and GET are no longer recommended treatments.
    Article here Thread here

    USA The USA is the only country to deviate from the WHO's ICD-10 placement for the terms ME, PVFS and CFS. The USA currently places CFS, the term typically used by US doctors, separately in the symptom chapter under Chronic Fatigue. This negatively impacts medical perception, clinical care, and insurance reimbursement. A proposal that CFS be moved back to the neurological chapter, that the term "SEID" be added as a new term, and that CFS, ME, PVFS, and SEID all be given separate codes, is under consideration. The deadline for comments on proposals is November 13.
    Thread here

    UK 250 doctors attended an ME/CFS workshop at Royal College of GP's conference. Speakers at the workshop were Doctors Purdie, Shepherd and Speight. There was also a stand at the conference run by ME charities.
    Thread here

    Trial By Error by David Tuller.

    ''My latest letter to Archives of Disease in Childhood''.
    David Tuller appeals to Dr. Nick Brown, editor-in-chief of Archives of Disease in Childhood to move his "editor's note" about a clinical trial of Lightning Process so readers of the paper will see it, and to provide a deadline for completion of the process called "editorial consideration". The letter includes additional criticisms of the trial.
    Blog post here Thread here

    "My First Post on the IAPT Program"
    David Tuller is going through some of the IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) literature and reports on some "ridiculousness" from a document called National Curriculum for CBT in the Context of Long Term Persistent and Distressing Health Conditions.
    Blog post here Thread here


    Molecular Neurobiology
    ''Immunosignature Analysis of ME/CFS'' by David M. Patrick et al (including Fluge & Mella)
    Explores if there is an immunosignature specific for ME/CFS. The researchers were able to identify a 256-peptide signature that separates ME/CFS samples from healthy controls, suggesting that the hit-and-run hypothesis of immune dysfunction merits further investigation.
    Study here Thread here

    European Neurology Research article: ''Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: From Chronic Fatigue to More Specific Syndromes'' by Blitshteyn & Chopra.
    Suggests a clinical paradigm shift is needed to separate out and treat appropriately conditions such as POTS and MCAS that have been included under the CFS/FM umbrella terms.
    Article here Thread here

    Health Psychology Open "Graded exercise therapy for ME/CFS is not effective and unsafe. Re-analysis of a Cochrane review'' by Mark Vink and Alexandra Vink-Niese.
    Excellent detailed analysis of the 2017 Cochrane review of GET for ME/CFS. Discusses flaws in the review and the trials on which it was based, the inadequate evidence on harms, and evidence from the the objective measures in the trials demonstrating that the treatments are ineffective.
    Paper here Thread here

    Conference and meeting reports

    CMRC Conference
    , September 2018 videos now available and the MEA have produced a detailed conference report outlining the content of all the lectures.
    On the forum a separate thread with video link has been created for each talk.
    MEA report here
    Link to all videos
    Threads for each talk listed and linked here.

    Stanford Symposium September 2018 videos now available. In order to facilitate discussion of each lecture, separate threads have been created.
    List of threads and video links here post #84.

    UK Forward-ME Group Minutes from 17th July 2018 have just been published. Topics discussed include NICE guidelines, CMRC, IAPT psychological treatment, PIP disability benefit.
    Minutes here Thread here


    Current research and research news

    Stanford Neuroinflammation study is currently enrolling patients with severe ME.
    #MEAction article here Thread here

    SMCI Ramsay Awards for 2018 have been announced.
    “Biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction and signaling in ME/CFS” Blomberg and Rosen.
    Article here Thread here
    “Characterization of Janus kinase (JAK) activation profiles in ME/CFS subgroups”, Lombardi.
    Article here Thread here
    “Extracellular vesicles fom ME/CFS Patients and their effect on human mast cells and microglia mediators secretion”, Theoharides
    Article here Thread here
    “Whole genome sequencing and analysis of ME/CFS”, Worthey.
    Article here Thread here

    OMF Meet the team at the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at Harvard, funded by OMF.
    Article here Thread here

    Useful Resources

    The ME Association recently made their publication the “ME/CFS/PVFS Clinical and Research Guide” available for kindle and other Amazon e-book readers.
    Available here Thread here

    Coming events

    An episode of the SBS current affairs TV program “Insight” on ME/CFS will be broadcast on 16th October. It is a panel discussion program and lasts 1 hour.
    Details here Thread here

    Sweden 2 conferences about ME on 17th and 18th Oct from the Swedish patient organisation RME. Title of the conferences are: Step by step - Topical research and possible treatments. Some lectures will be in English, others in Swedish. Both events will be streamed and familiar names are among the lecturers.
    Livestream here and here Thread here

    USA NIH: ME/CFS Telebriefing- October 23, 2018
    Thread here

    UK Action for M.E. AGM and Conference 28th November 2018. It will be live streamed.
    Agenda and booking form here Thread here


    UK Applications are invited for the CMRC Patient Advisory Group. Closing date 7th November.
    Details here Thread here

    UK #MEAction ''Meet with your MP about ME – Our Toolkit shows you how!''
    Information here Thread here

    USA #MEAction New York is organising a protest on 20th October against Per Fink speaking at a Psychosomatic conference. There is also a petition.
    Occupy ME blog article here Thread here post #60
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
    Inara, Esther12, Indigophoton and 7 others like this.
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Week beginning 15th October 2018

    Headline news

    Cochrane Reviews withdrawn

    ''Exercise therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome''
    by Lillebeth Larun et al. has been temporarily withdrawn according to a Reuters article.
    Cochrane Exercise review here

    Reuters ''Exclusive: Science journal to withdraw chronic fatigue review amid patient activist complaints'' by Kate Kelland.
    This article is heavily biased, quoting Prof Colin Blakemore who gives the impression Cochrane has bowed to pressure from militant patients.
    Reuters article here Thread here

    Trial by Error
    by David Tuller ''Cochrane Withdraws Flawed Exercise Review''
    Gives a clear explanation of the history of Cochrane CFS reviews for CBT and GET, and the importance of Tom Kindlon's and the late Robert Courtney's critiques of the exercise therapy review. Tuller outlines some of the key flaws in the trials included in the review. There is also a suggestion that Cochrane is considering moving CFS from the Common Mental Disorders group.
    Article here Thread here

    Chinese herbs for CFS Cochrane has announced it has withdrawn this review.
    In a statement Cochrane writes as reason that the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group is currently undertaking a strategic portfolio assessment of all existing and planned reviews and protocols, including those relating to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
    Link to Cochrane statement here Thread here

    Clinical guidelines news

    UK NICE guidelines NICE have published their final scope for their review of the diagnosis and management guidelines for ME/CFS.
    Guideline scope PDF here (9 pages) Thread here
    Stakeholder comments and developers responses PDF here (354 pages)
    List of members appointed so far to the Guideline Committee here Threadhere

    BMJ Best Practice document for CFS/ME was updated by Prof. James Baraniuk in September 2018. Most of it is behind a paywall.
    Prof Malcolm Hooper was one of the peer reviewers and has made his review public. He writes that Baraniuk was instructed to include input from other reviewers. Hooper's review describes the best practice document is not fit for purpose, and gives detailed reasons.
    BMJ document here Hooper's review here Thread here

    UpToDate clinical guidelines used by doctors worldwide has updated its CFS (ME/CFS) information. CBT/GET have not been removed but have been downgraded.
    Thread here

    Other news

    UK ''Dialogues for a neglected illness'', a new ME/CFS project by the makers of the film ''Voices from the Shadows'' and with consultant support from the LSHTM Cure-ME team, has been awarded Wellcome funding.
    Article here Thread here

    In the media


    An episode of the SBS current affairs TV program “Insight” on ME/CFS was broadcast on 16th October. It is a panel discussion program and lasts 1 hour and includes input from patients, doctors and scientists.
    Sydney Morning Herald newspaper article - ''I'm 33 and have been living in aged care for eight years'' by Ketra Wooding who has severe ME and chemical sensitivities and whose condition was made worse by GET. She was also featured in the SBS TV program. A very good and moving article.
    SBS link here Article here Thread here

    Germany Excellent article about Afflicted which, after a short paragraph about how Afflicted failed, concentrates on ME as one of the diseases that was misrepresented. Prof. Montoya, Prof. Davis, Linda Tannenbaum and Jamison Hill are cited. Science for ME is mentioned.
    Article in German here Google translation into English here Thread here

    Trial By Error by David Tuller
    ''Per Fink in New York''
    David explains the objections to the invitation of Per Fink to give 2 talks at a psychosomatic conference at Columbia University.
    Article here Thread here

    ''The Psychosomatic Conference’s Pathetic Response''
    Hard hitting reply to a weak response from the conference organiser.
    Article here Thread here

    ''ME/CFS is not a psychosomatic illness''
    Ian Lipkin, Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and the Center for Solutions for ME/CFS at Columbia University, has written an open letter before the Conference where Per Fink is invited as speaker. The letter states that patients with ME have biological abnormalities that cannot be characterised as psychosomatic.
    Blog post here Thread here

    Virology Blog: ''My letter to organizer of 4th Columbia Psychosomatics Conference'' by Vincent Racaniello.
    Racaniello emails Dr Landa, director of the conference, and lends support to the protests surrounding Per Fink's participation at the conference. He also urges her to give a proper response to David Tuller's email.
    Article here Thread here

    New York #MEAction organised a protest against Per Fink at the University.
    Article here Press Release here

    Useful resources

    Unrest Continuing Education module video ''Diagnosis and Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome''.
    Excellent 12 minute video presented by Dr David Kaufman.
    Part of the Unrest Continuing Education module, made available through the American Medical Women’s Association and Indiana University School of Medicine, and in partnership with #MEAction.
    YouTube video here Thread here

    Biomedical Research

    Scandinavian Journal of Pain ''Exercise-induce hyperalgesia, complement system and elastase activation in ME/CFS - a secondary analysis'' by Polli et al.
    Small study with shows some inconsistent ''evidence for a potential link between immune system alteration and dysfunctional endogenous pain modulation.''
    Paper here Thread here

    Other Research

    Frontiers in Pediatrics ''School Functioning in Adolescents With CFS'' by Knight et al.
    Highlights the importance of looking at all aspects of school functioning, not just attendance, in helping children with CFS.
    Paper here Thread here

    Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior ''Evaluation of ME/CFS education materials in local health departments'' by Brimmer et al.
    Purpose was to identify methods used by local health departments on information about ME/CFS. Concludes that materials and outreach methods might require tailoring to local health departments as competing health priorities was the most common reason given for not using ME/CFS materials.
    Paper here Thread here

    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes ''Defining the minimally clinically important difference of the SF-36 physical function subscale for paediatric CFS/ME'' by Bridgen, Crawley et al.
    Using questionnaires and interviews with small samples, concludes a change of 10 points in 6 months on the pediatric SF-36 physical functioning scale is clinically significant. No objective measures used.
    Paper here Thread here

    Current research

    USA Stanford - Replication of a 2014 diffusion MRI study showing white matter abnormalities in patients is currently recruiting.
    #MEAction article here Thread here

    Norway The Comeback study at the University Hospital of North Norway, a research project on faecal transplantation on ME, is still recruiting. Patients can register as interested by private Facebook message to the researchers.
    Facebook page here Thread here post #349

    Conference video

    Conference by Sheffield ME & Fibromyalgia Group with Dr. Charles Shepherd
    Dr. Shepherd gave a broad overview of topical issues on ME.
    Next week there will be two more talks, this time with David Tuller.
    Video of Dr. Shepherd's lecture Thread here

    Coming Events

    Sheffield, UK, 23/24 October
    David Tuller ''Scientific Integrity and Clinical Trials''. See the thread for booking details.
    Thread here

    Alabama, USA, 24th October
    Lecture by Jarred Younger on ME
    At Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology, Alabama
    Link here Thread here

    Newry, Northern Ireland, 30th October

    Lecture by Dr John Kerr will include information on his current biomedical research findings on identifiable ME subgroups and specifically targeted treatments.
    Details and tickets here Thread here

    Canterbury, New Zealand, 31st October
    The Canterbury ME/CFS group has arranged a talk with update on research by Ros Vallings.
    More info at ANZME's website here Thread here post #33

    Oslo, Norway, 27th November
    Open seminar about ME with lectures by David Tuller, Prof. Benedicte A. Lie and Prof. Karl Johan Tronstad. This open seminar is part of a 2-day research conference arranged by The Norwegian ME Association, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the National Competence Service for CFS/ME.
    Tickets here Thread here


    Norway Petition against the Norwegian national Competence Service with a BPS approach to ME is still going and has over 5 000 signatures so far.
    Link to petition and how to sign here Thread here
    Inara, Sly Saint, Esther12 and 11 others like this.
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Week beginning 22nd October 2018


    Cochrane Review of Exercise Therapy for CFS update

    Following last week's Reuters' report that this review had been temporarily withdrawn, Cochrane have now added this note to the last page of the Review.
    Review here (Update note page 142) Thread here post #532

    UK NICE guidelines committee appointments update
    Additional names added to the list of appointments are causing serious concern - see thread discussion.
    NICE committee list here Thread here post #106

    UK Parliament MP Carol Monaghan met with David Tuller and UK coordinator for #MEAction Espe Moreno. The plan is to secure another ME debate at the UK parliament before the end of the year.
    #MEAction article here Thread here

    USA NIH telebriefing was held on 23rd October. NIH is looking at how to help increase ME/CFS research. There will be an NIH conference on ME/CFS in April 2019 including a day for young investigators.
    Thread here

    In the media

    UK - BBC Wales Feature on ME and health care services for ME patients in Wales. Includes amongst others Dr. Charles Shepherd.
    BBC article here Radio program Eye on Wales here Thread here

    Science for ME news

    Annual report published
    The forum celebrates its first successful year with a report from the Management Committee to members including items on members activity levels and involvement, outreach and looking forward.
    Report and thread here (members only)

    Trial By Error by David Tuller

    A Statement in Support of Cochrane
    The statement supports Cochrane's decision to temporarily withdraw the review on graded exercise therapy and ME. Goes through the most vital points of the critique against the review.
    41 signatures.
    Statement here Thread here

    Where's My Apology, BMJ Open?
    David Tuller has sent an e-mail to Dr. Fiona Godlee at The BMJ seeking an apology for untrue claims made by BMJ Open about his reporting.
    Blog post here Thread here

    Articles, blogs, videos etc.

    Valerie Eliot Smith responds to a statement from Per Fink
    following the #MEAction demonstration and petition against his recent talk at Columbia University’s annual Psychosomatic Conference. The issue at core is the Karina Hansen case, where Valerie Eliot Smith refutes Per Fink’s claim that this case is not to be debated in public.
    Valerie Eliot Smith’s response here Thread here post #8

    #MEAction protests Per Fink at Columbia University - Here's what happened
    Article from #MEAction about the demonstration against Per Fink's talk in New York and what happened during the 4th Columbia University Psychosomatic Conference.
    Article here Thread here post #141

    Occupy ME
    by Jennie Spotila - ''NIH Funding for ME Goes Down in 2018''
    Article here Thread here

    Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group arranged two talks and Q&A with David Tuller.
    Thread which includes recordings of the events here

    Biomedical Research

    Frontiers in Immunology - B Cell Biology
    ''CD24 expression and B cell maturation shows a novel link with energy metabolism: potential implications for patients with ME/CFS'' Mensah et al.
    Full paper now published.
    Paper here Thread here

    European Journal of Translational Myology
    ''Old muscle in young body: an aphorism describing the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'' by Pietrangelo et al.
    Describes the results of in vitro muscle research. Hypothesises that patients with CFS are ''subjected to some of the problems typical for muscle aging, which is probably related to disorders of muscle protein synthesis and biogenesis of mitochondria.''
    Article here Thread here

    Psychosocial Research

    Journal of Health Psychology
    ''The development of an instrument to assess post-exertional malaise in patients with ME and CFS'' by Jason et al.
    Describes the development of the new DePaul Post-Exertional Malaise Questionnaire.
    Paper here Questionnaire PDF here Thread here

    Scandinavian Journal of Pain ''Pain is associated with reduced quality of life and functional status in patients with ME/CFS'', Strand et al
    Not a recommendation.
    Paper here Thread here

    PLOS ONE ''Cost-effectiveness of interventions for medically unexplained symptoms: A systematic review'', Wortman et al
    Includes CFS. Vague conclusion that group might be more cost effective that individual interventions. Not a recommendation.
    Paper here Thread here

    Health Psychology ''Reciprocal associations between daily need-based experiences, energy, and sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome'', Campbell et al
    Brief questionnaire based study suggests we are more frustrated and less satisfied when we are sicker and tireder (or something). Not a recommendation.
    Paper here Thread here

    Research recruitment

    ME/CFS study participants needed at NIH

    The NIH Intramural Clinical Study is still recruiting ME patients and controls.
    Solve ME/CFS Initiative's article with sign up info here Thread here

    Coming events

    Boston, USA, 3rd November Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association invites you to: "How Investigative Journalism Succeeds in a Hostile Medical Environment: A conversation with David Tuller"
    Link to event here Thread here


    Finland: ME/CFS is not a functional disorder - we call for appropriate treatment

    The petition is addressed to the ministers of the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and asks them to initiate planning of treatment for ME/CFS on the basis of up-to-date scientific knowledge. Everyone can sign.
    Petition here Thread here
    Inara, ahimsa, brf and 8 others like this.
  6. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Week beginning 29th October 2018


    #MEAction Scotland launch their Manifesto.
    Describes the current situation in Scotland and focuses lobbying targets on medical education, clinical guidelines, specialist provision and appropriate care including stopping CBT/GET treatments, and research funding.
    Article with link to manifesto here Thread here

    NICE guideline committee appointments update
    All posts have been filled except posts for 2 nurses and a dietitian.
    MERUK response here Thread here
    IIMER response: ''NICE Guidelines Development - Turning a farce into a shambles'' here
    MEA - no formal response yet. Some comments here post #336
    AfME response here Thread discussion here post #339
    Thread listing and discussing those who applied but were rejected here

    UK Parliament A group of MP's led by Carol Monaghan and Nicky Morgan presented a request to the Backbench committee for a parliamentary debate. They highlighted the PACE trial, the imbalance in the newly appointed NICE guideline committee, the harms done by GET and need to remove it, unjustified care orders on children, and the need for proper medical provision.
    Video here Thread here

    In the media

    UK The Guardian podcast
    ''What role should the public play in science?'' - Science Weekly podcast. 25 minutes.
    Ian Sample speaks to Michael Sharpe (Oxford) and Kim Goldsmith (King’s College London) both PACE researchers. They discuss CFS and ME, PACE, and the Reuters' report about the Cochrane CFS Exercise therapy Review being withdrawn. As expected, sadly, the interview gives a complete misrepresentation of the situation.
    Article and podcast here Thread here

    UK SurreyLive ''Grandma with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome misses daughter's wedding and grandchildren's childhoods''.
    Interview with severe ME sufferer Nancy Collins and with additional information from Charles Shepherd from the ME Association.
    Article here Thread here

    Trial by Error by David Tuller

    ''Trial by Error: Three Years On...''

    David Tuller provides a summary of the last three years he has been working on examining the research behind CBT/GET as ME treatments. He also writes about the latest developments surrounding the Cochrane review on GET, and challenges misconceptions of conflict of interest in crowd funding for this work.
    Blog post here Thread here

    Not the Science Bit by Prof Brian Hughes

    ''The Triumph of Eminence-Based Medicine''

    Prof. Hughes blogs about UK establishment vs research. Headwords are ME, the PACE-trial, the Cochrane review withdrawal and the recent Guardian podcast with PACE researchers about the withdrawal. Excellent article. Favourite quote:
    Article here Thread here

    Useful Resources

    YouTube videos on PACE
    Forum member Graham aka MEAnalysis has put together the last two of a total of four excellent short YouTube videos about the PACE trial. These videos are aimed at anyone who wants a simple summary of the situation.
    Videos here Thread here

    Reports of talks

    New Zealand
    - Dr Ros Vallings, GP and ME expert, gave a talk about ME in Christchurch.
    Thread with summary of key points here

    Northern Ireland - Dr. Jonathan Kerr gave a talk ''ME/CFS Subtypes & Targeted Effective Treatments''.
    Dr Kerr described his theories about ME/CFS, including EBV reactivation, psychological stress, autoimmunity, subgrouping and gene regulation.
    Video here Thread here

    Biomedical research

    Frontiers in Pediatrics ''Blood volume status in CFS/ME correlates with the presence or absence of orthostatic symptoms'' by C Van Campen et al
    Small study which concludes: Adults with ME/CFS had a significantly lower blood volume if they had a clinical suspicion of OI compared to those without a clinical suspicion of OI, as well as a significantly lower blood volume compared to the expected value.
    Study here thread here

    Frontiers in Pediatrics ''Low sensitivity of abbreviated tilt table testing for diagnosing postural tachycardia syndrome in adults with ME/CFS'' by C M. van Campen et al.
    Concludes that abbreviated tilt table testing misses a substantial proportion of those ultimately diagnosed with POTS during a 10-minute tilt table test, and should be abandoned for the clinical diagnosis and in epidemiology studies designed to estimate the prevalence of POTS among those with ME/CFS
    Paper here Thread here

    Psychosocial Research

    Applied Neuropsychology ''Feedback on underperformance in patients with CFS: The impact on subsequent neuropsychological test performance'' by Roor, Knoop et al
    The methodology is so badly flawed that the results are meaningless. Not a recommendation.
    Paper here Thread here

    Biomedical studies recruiting participants

    USA Stanford
    ME/CFS patients and healthy controls are needed as soon as possible for 5 different studies.
    Details including contact information from Solve here Threads here

    Upcoming events

    Australia 26-27 Nov: CFS/ME International Conference 2018: RID/Research Innovation and Discovery
    Organised by National Centre for Neuroimmunology & Emerging diseases. National and international speakers.
    Programme here Tickets here thread here

    Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) Webinar Nov. 29th 7-8 PM GMT
    ''You + M.E.: A community resource, built by the community''
    SMCI's Chief Scientific Officer, Sadie Whittaker, invites ME patients to discuss further development of their biobank.
    Registration here Thread here

    Edited to add quote from Brian Hughes article. I forgot quotes don't copy when you copy/paste a post!
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Dolphin, Chris, Binkie4 and 7 others like this.
  7. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    The weekly news continues in the November thread here.
    Andy likes this.

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