Novel Approaches to Treatment of Immune-Mediated Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction 2025 Vilaseca et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK

    Background and Objectives
    The optimal immunosuppressive treatment for autoimmune chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is unknown due to lack of clinical trials. Even less data exist on treatment recommendations for patients who do not respond to first-line immunotherapy.

    We describe 4 patients with autoimmune CIPO treated with vedolizumab (3/4), a monoclonal antibody that interferes the lymphocyte trafficking to the gastrointestinal tract, or rituximab (1/4) who did not respond to steroids or IV immunoglobulins. We made a systematic review of previously published cases of CIPO treated with these biological agents.

    Vedolizumab was effective in 2 of 3 patients but failed in a child with nonparaneoplastic anti-Hu–associated CIPO, who had generalized dysautonomia. The 2 patients who responded to vedolizumab had an isolated CIPO, and they did not present neuronal antibodies. Rituximab was prescribed in a case of anti-Hu–associated, nonparaneoplastic CIPO, who showed a complete clinical response after this treatment. Our review of the literature retrieved 4 previous cases of autoimmune CIPO treated with rituximab but none treated with vedolizumab. All patients treated with rituximab had Hu antibodies. Two patients showed a clinical response to the treatment with rituximab.

    Our findings underscore the potential efficacy of rituximab and vedolizumab in the management of autoimmune CIPO refractory to first-line treatments.

    Open access
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