Organisation: International Patient and Public Involvement Network

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by Andy, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Who are we?
    In 2017, a number of organisations and individuals from across the globe came together to form the International Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Network. We believe that through the International PPI Network we can join together and enhance the opportunities such a network would bring, enabling the sharing of expertise and evidence-based good practice. Through collaboration, the International PPI Network would be empowered to influence international and regional health and social care research organisations.

    How are we funded?
    We are grateful for the financial support with start-up costs from the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care, and ongoing costs from the National Institute for Health and Care Research. We also acknowledge the in-kind contributions from:

    • Cochrane

    • The COMET Initiative

    • The University of Western Australia

    • Telethon Kids Institute

    • Babcock University

    • University of Southern Denmark

    • Warwick Medical School

    The Planning Group was setup to formally establish the Network, including the associated governance structures, funding, strategies and work-streams. The Planning Group provides oversight of and advice on Network activities.

    Godwin Aja, Babcock University, Nigeria
    Heather Barrington, The COMET Initiative, UK
    Gary Hickey, National Institute for Health and Care Research, UK
    Mogens Hørder, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Anne McKenzie AM, The University of Western Australia
    Richard Morley, Cochrane, UK
    Professor Sophie Staniszewska, Warwick Medical School, UK
    Jeremy Taylor OBE, NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination, UK
    Fay Scott, NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination, UK
    bobbler, Sean and MEMarge like this.
  2. Caroline Struthers

    Caroline Struthers Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oxford UK
    Note Richard Morley who is Cochrane’s Consumer Engagement Officer is allegedly supporting the new Exercise review, but has contributed precisely nothing to the process as far as I can tell, let alone any "Engagement".
    bobbler, shak8 and Trish like this.
  3. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Yeah, with him involved my basic assumption is that this is more a talking shop than anything that actually gets stuff done.

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