Post COVID-19 ongoing symptoms and health related quality of life: does rehabilitation matter? Preliminary evidence, 2022, Mammi et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by Andy, Aug 25, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Individuals with persisting symptoms after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) have reported a decrease in health related quality of life. This study explores the outcome of 50 subjects with post COVID-19 ongoing symptoms including “Long COVID”(symptoms lasting over 3 months), after a rehabilitation program focused on three symptoms: fatigue, breathlessness and pain. Aims were:

    - assessing the feasibility of the program

    -observing a possible change in symptoms and quality of life (null hypothesis: no differences in variables before and after treatment)

    -investigating a possible relationship between symptoms and quality of life

    Retrospective observational study

    Symptoms intensity measured with Numeric Rating Scale decreased. Mean differences: breathlessness: -2,91; fatigue: -2,05; pain: -2,41 (p > .001). Quality of life measured with Euroqol-5D (EQ-5D) improved. Mean differences: EQ-5D index : 0,104; EQ-5D VAS: 19,21 (p < .001). Effect size of these changings is classifiable as large (Cohen’s d > 0,8 and < 1,3) except for EQ-5D index ( Cohen’s d -0,575), resulting medium(>0,5 and < 0,8). Correlation (Pearson’s r) between symptoms and EQ-5D resulted moderate for pain and fatigue (-0,609 and -0,531, p < .001) and low for breathlessness (-0,533, p < .001)

    Rehabilitation can be feasible and may improve symptoms and quality of life. Further research is needed.

    Peter Trewhitt, Trish and DokaGirl like this.

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