Preprint: Decreased miRNA-148a-3p expression in skeletal muscle of patients with chronic kidney disease, 2022, Robinson et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, May 25, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Introduction: Skeletal muscle wasting is a common complication of chronic kidney disease which leads to a loss of muscle function. The pathogenesis of skeletal muscle wasting is incompletely understood, which is preventing the development of targeted therapeutics. Recent evidence implicates miRNAs in the of skeletal muscle wasting. Our aim was to firstly examine miRNA profiles of CKD human skeletal muscle for the identification of aberrant expression patterns compared to a healthy control (HC) cohort, and secondly, investigate the role these miRNAs may play in inducing or promoting skeletal muscle atrophy using a novel human primary skeletal muscle cell model of CKD skeletal muscle.

    Methods: For comparison between CKD and HC populations, skeletal muscle biopsies were collected from the vastus lateralis of n=15 CKD patients stage 3b-5, and n=15 HC individuals matched for age, gender and physical activity. n=5 biopsies from each group underwent next generation sequencing to obtain complete mnicroRNA profiles in CKD versus HC cohorts, which were then validated in a seperate cohort (n=10 in each group) by PCR. A causative role in muscle wasting was determined by transfection of key microRNAs by 3H-phenylalanine release into the media.

    Results: Next Generation Sequencing identified differential expression of 16 miRNAs in skeletal muscle of CKD patients versus controls, and PCR validation confirmed miRNA-148a-3p expression was significantly decreased in CKD patients. The reduced miRNA-148a-3p expression was also maintained in the primary culture model. Upon overexpression of miRNA-148a-3p in CKD myotubes, protein degradation rates were decreased non-significantly (p=0.28) by 16.3% compared to un-transfected CKD cells.

    Conclusion: CKD was associated with a significant reduction in miRNA-148a-3p expression in skeletal muscle compared to non-CKD controls which was retained in our in vitro model. Overexpression of miRNA-148a-3p in primary skeletal myotubes non-significantly decreased muscle protein degradation by 16.3%. In order to determine the importance of miRNA-148a-regulation of protein degradation, a deeper understanding of miRNA-148a-3p targets and their associated pathways with respect to those dysregulated in skeletal muscle wasting is required.
    shak8 and Starlight like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "The miRNA-148/152 family consists of three members: miR-148a, miR-148b and miR-152, which are located on chromosomes 7, 12 and 17, respectively20. The role of the miR-148/152 family has been described in several biological processes, and its aberrant expression has been frequently observed in many pathologies including IgA nephropathy21, lupus nephritis22, type 1 diabetes23, atherosclerosis24, chronic fatigue syndrome25 and several cancers26"

    The paper referenced is Unravelling .. (ME/CFS): Genderā€specific changes in the microRNA expression profiling in ME/CFS, 2020, Cheema, Klimas et al
    Starlight likes this.

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